Bounded control literally refers to the control of a system within certain bounded variables. This type of control method seeks to define certain limits that correspond to the physical limit of the variable in question. The variables often considered are that of the amplitude of the actuators. This is to avoid the possibility of an irreversible damage to the actuator. See subsec.~\ref {subsec:Sub-Problem 4}. This concept was used in (\citet*{guerrero2011bounded}) and adequately described in (\citet* {flikop2004bounded}). (\citet*{rifai2011bounded}), proposed a bounded control method based on nested saturations for the rehabilitation of the knee joint. By "nested saturation"; it means that the actuator is subjected to magnitude and rate saturation …show more content…
In order to accomplish this task, two (2) applications were considered. The first application seeks to drive the knee-ankle orthosis to follow a predefined rehabilitation trajectory with and without human contribution. To verify the level of contribution of the human the system may allow, a high gain observer is designed for this purpose. Although high gain observers as been extensively used for the recovery of states such as in (\citet*{wang2003observer}), here, the recovered states were employed to verify the level of human contribution. The stability of the closed-loop system without human contribution is verified using Lyapunov-based analysis. The convergence of the error between the states of the wearer-exoskeleton and that of the high gain observer is also analysed using Lyapunov stability theory. In the second application, the system is used to drive a full-body exoskeleton with four (4) actuated joints in its lower limb (Hips and Knees) to follow a CPG-based human gait. The CPG-based human gait is modified using polynomial functions to allow the selection of initial conditions for the human-exoskeleton. Simulation and the eventual results were obtained via MATLAB/SIMULINK. The performance of the system was discussed
Current knee brace are designed using a combination of plastic, metal and or other composite material for basic support. The additional features such as heating & cooling system (HCS), massage vibrators (MV), adding adjustor system (AS) and semi-manual strapping system (SMS) will revolutionize and modify the way we treat various knee disabilities and injury which is often overlooked globally. By combining different components together we have made a portable, multi-accessory product that can help multitudes of people to get better.
The articulated AFO used a spring that could be set to various conditions, S1, S2, S3, and S4. S1 was used as the control condition because it was considered the minimum resistive moment. The S1 condition did not consist of a spring on the AFO. All other conditions and results were compared to S1. Each subject went through four trials corresponding to the four spring conditions. To minimize changes in factors from one trial to the next, the treadmill was set to the same speed for every
[1] Lerner Z.F., Damiano D.L., Park H.S., Gravunder A.J., Bulea T.C. (2017). A Robotic Exoskeleton for Treatment of Crouch Gait in Children With Cerebral Palsy: Design and Initial Application. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 25(6), 650-659. doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2595501. Epub 2016 Jul 27. PubMed PMID: 27479974.
The Joystick could be a value effective answer to robotic rehabilitation that uses a poster force feedback joystick together with on-line games designed specifically for handicapped stroke rehabilitation patients. A special hand-wrist orthosis is mounted on the joystick to convey the patient support for taking part in the
People who suffer from an amputation; those who lost a part of their body, such as an arm, use prosthesis which is an artificial device that replaces a missing limb. These prosthetic devices or prosthesis is extremely useful and plays a major role in rehabilitation. Nevertheless, Prosthetic amputee face difficulties using and controlling their artificial devices. Training programs are necessary to help them exercise their device properly. Many cases of prosthetic succumb during therapy . This project will improve the mobility of artificial arm and help people with their artificial device have an ability to manage their daily activities easily, as well as provide the means to stay independent.
Transfemoral amputation, an amputation that occurs through the femur is one of the most frequently occurring type of amputation. Prosthetics or artificial limb is an effective way for the amputee to get back to her/his daily activities. However, the use of prosthetics have several problems. For instance, loss of muscle, incorrect gait behaviour and so on. Therefore, before one can design a comfortable socket for the amputees one should study the factors causing the discomfort. Studies reveal that it is the position of the residual femur that influences the socket design the most. Therefore, upon studying the motion of the residual limb one can design a suitable socket. To study the same a set of electronic sensors like pressure and force can
To Kill a Mockingbird’s book and movie are similar in some ways, but they both have very noticeable differences from each other. The setting of the story is not described as in depth in the movie as it was in the book. The plot progression of the movie seems to be disorganized compared to the book. Many of the characters who were included in the story originally were not included in the movie, leaving out portions of the story from the movie. Overall, the book did a better job at presenting the story in a way that wouldn’t confuse the reader and entertained the reader instead, whereas the movie’s lack of organization could cause the reader to become confused if they were to watch it after reading the book.
During mid stance the peak height of the hip is seen to be higher on the prosthetic limb than in a non amputee. This is a result of the reduced flexion of the prosthetic knee. Also the characteristic of the prosthetic foot influences the peak height too. After contralateral foot contact an abrupt transition from hip extension to flexion is seen. In the late stance, an eccentric hip flexor activity is seen as compared to normal. This inturn generates higher hip flexor moment. This greater moment further decelerates the extending hip and ensures that the HAT segment does not lag behind as the amputee pulls themselves over the prosthesis.
A limitation of the analysis is that the location is defined by country. This could be problematic because some countries are large, and different locations in the country could be too far away to enjoy the benefits of proximity. For example, firms locating in the east coast of India and those in the west coast do not necessarily enjoy low transportation costs, knowledge spill-overs, and trusts. To check whether this issue drives results, I ran the same regressions with droppingfive largest countries in the sample (i.e. Russia, China, Brazil, Australia, and India). Table 3 shows the results. They are not only very close to the main results, but also show greater effects of many variables, suggesting that the results are
I have spent hours in the physics room scrounging and making parts as well as working during lunch time in the computer lab. In the end, I have been able to create a working prototype that synchronizes electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles(EMG) with the movement of the prosthetic. This was done by placing electrodes on the muscles, then inputting the EMG data into a small handheld computer. This computer was then responsible for reading, analyzing, and communicating the data to a capacitor and pnuematic solenoid which controlled “air muscles”. These air muscles were attatched to the joints of the prosthetic and utilized pressurized air, and surgical tubing inside of nylon sleeve. The air was used to transform the shape of the surgical tubing by expanding and contracting it causing its length to change when inflated. This technique was used to synchronize the movements with the user and empowered limb movement and function by reducing the amount of force a limb needs to exert to lift a
Wheelchair athletes expose their bodies, in particular their upper limbs to extreme movements, positions and range of motion. The demands placed on joints, muscles and surrounding structures by these extreme movements cannot come without consequences and they place athletes at an increased risk of injury and predispose the athletes to biomechanical deficiencies. Wheelchair athletes need to ensure that their propulsion technique is biomechanically efficient in order to reduce the already increased risk of injury seen in wheelchair athletes. It is imperative that movement is functionally advantageous as the athletes use not only their upper limbs for competing and training but for ambulation in every day
Has the death penalty become non-effective? For centuries, death has been viewed as the highest form of capital punishment. However, this is strictly dependent on the idea of equivalent exchange. Ideally If a person causes death, in return, they deserve death as well. However, this ideal does not compensate for the pain and suffering that is forced upon the friends and family of the victim. Death is not the only circumstance we must consider. The distress that is forced upon the families of the victims cannot be compensated by simply sentencing the culprit to death. This base ideal of equivalent exchange overlooks these circumstances. On top of this, the judicial system has a very common problem with sentencing innocent people to death. Is this really social justice? Not only do studies show that this form of capital punishment been has proven as overall non-effective; furthermore, judicial inaccuracy has only contributed to the continuation of pain among societies.
My future goals include attending law school to become a corporate lawyer and eventually running for public office in my hometown and the United States Senate. My St. John’s education has prepared me for my future goals by really encouraging me to love education and never give up on what my dreams even if the road seems rough. Coming to St. John’s really helped me understand why having an education is so important in our world today. An education is a tool that can never be taken from you and every day I wake up for class, I never take this opportunity for granted. I love learning new things and applying these things to real life experiences. For example, last spring in my Civil Procedure law class, I learned much about the process of a case
Stability impairments can be addressed through conventional physical therapy techniques such as strengthening hip and knee extensors to develop a positive extensors support, regaining HAT control, promoting weight bearing on involved lower extremity, weight shifting, utility of assistive device and practicing proactive and reactive modes to challenge balance. In addition to the aforementioned therapy techniques, visual feedback with force platforms is often utilized clinically and is an effective approach for the treatment of balance/instability and mobility issues. This patient can be trained with the force platform and visual feedback (Biodex Balance Master) to appropriately identify and maintain his COG while having to respond and correctly
There have been so many amazing things that I have experienced in my life already. I look forward to each new experience I may have an opportunity to have. Each day is a victory, a challenge, and a success story. Every day is a gift and you should take full advantage of everyday you are given. Unfortunately, we all miss some of the best moments in life by being so concerned about control life.