
Bourgeoisie Vs Proletariat Essay

Decent Essays

The two classes discussed in the text are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie is dominant over the proletariat in a couple ways. While the members of the bourgeoisie are land owners and the owners of the means of production living comfortable lives, the proletariat consists of wage laborers forced to sell their labor to the bourgeoisie because they own no productive property. The members of the proletariat make such little money that their living conditions are almost unbearable. The power that the bourgeoisie holds over the proletariat causes them to be exploited and held in subjugation. The proletariat is held in subjugation by religion, government, unawareness of their alienation, and their false consciousness. By the bourgeoisie controlling religion and government, it makes them (religion and government) other aspects in which the bourgeoisie is in control of the proletariat. Religion is uses as an opiate by leading the proletariat to believe they can prey their problems away, when in reality they should be making an effort to change what they do not like. With the proletariat unaware of their alienation they hinder their ability to become …show more content…

The proletariat is alienated from their course of work, products of their work, co-workers, and their full capabilities. With the proletariat making such little income they are not able to purchase and enjoy the commodities that they are producing and they also have no say in the way the commodities are produced or the way in which things are run causing them to be alienated from their course of work and products of their work. The proletariat is alienated from their co-workers because “objectification prevents people from engaging in meaningful social relationships” (Abrahamson 2010 p. 50). With these people also lacking class-consciousness they are alienated from their full

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