
Bowling For Columbine Discussion Questions

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who still don't murder each other nearly as frequently. In the end, Moore asks a lot of questions about the nature of American society, and while he doesn't always give us answers, he does conclude that the United States is a nation that is filled with both too many guns and way too much fear (Weschler, 2003).

In the Bowling for Columbine documentary has been partly dramatized in regard to some of the events in order to cause an effect to the viewer and some have even gone as far as reshooting the same scene or having various angles of the same scene/event just to make it visually pleasing to the audience in which the point of the documentary is deliberately, seriously, and consistently deceptive.

The documentary also uses elements of sensationalism and exaggerated …show more content…


ould then led to the audience becoming more aware of such documentaries (docudrama) causing a breach of trust due to the documentary project losing its integrity, as the audiences realizes that the people being fi)med are not who they claim to be or did not do anything that they been seen on screen doin(.' Flaherty has made his greatest impact through manipulating the story that he wanted to tell, changing customs in order to make sure that his vision of the story is told, he trades carefully on the thin fine line in distinguishing between fiction and documentary that Michael Moore is frequently criticized for today.

Flaherty was also able to clearly understand that in order for a viewer to follow a story, certain conventions must be followed. And through the frequent use of titles in this film, he made sure that the settings were asserted or depict the stage they are within their journey, but

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