
Bowling For Columbine Film Analysis

Decent Essays

AOne has to understand that it is not the directors main objective to twist and morph the programme into whatever suits him but at times it is a nessicary evil in order to provide entertainment and to get the message across effectively. For example in Bowling for Columbine the documentary was released in 2002 at the time when the general public had been exposed to news headlines of deaths, murders, crime rates that the public had beendesensitised to social issues that he had to go down the sensationalism route in order to provoke emotion and an uproar amongst the viewers. This is shown from the beginning where Micheal Moore goes into a bank in where you can apparently receive a gun by simply opening an account with the bank. This event after the documentary was proved to be a staged event, there is no bank in America where you can just walk in, open an …show more content…

With editing you can omit and put in whatever form of dialogue or picture to ma/j fls)em as related even if they are both from different sources .When it came to the Charlie Heston speeches we were never given the opportunity to listen to the whole speech, we are only exposed to the parts which make it seem like the NRA are a bunch of gun wielding maniacs who could not give thought to the lives that were lost in Columbine. Close ups were also employed during the speeches whenever the speaker said something that had a cold undertone to it. This goes to show how well Micheal Moore knew that appealing to the public's emotions would awaken a sense of panic which would set a few people against gun laws . Emotion tends to override common sense, when emotions are appealed to people stop critically thinking about the situation but they rather act impulsively. This is the very reason why Micheal Moore only used footage that painted the NRA as a racist gun dangling group which cares more for gun laws and less for

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