
Boxes And Bullets Organizer

Better Essays

“Boxes and Bullets Informational Essay Informational Book Sources

Writing Assignment:
Over the next several weeks, you will be researching the topic of teen activism. You will develop and follow a trail of research to write an informational essay and an informational book. The FINAL DRAFT is due March 7th. In addition, you will turn your research into a digital platform, such as a website or presentation, to share your research with an audience. Use our informational writing rubric and checklist as resources for your writing.

Boxes and Bullets Organizer

Boxes and Bullets Organizer and informational Essay

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Before this chapter gets into how animals are tested, you should know about the purposes of animal testing. Most of the times, people study how the animal's behavior or body has changed after giving them any range of things. These can include radiation, toxic gases, and more harmful substances. “Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year.” ( Toxicity testing, determining the degree to which a substance can damage a living or nonliving organism, often leaves animals dead before the test is even finished. Some irritation tests include seeing how the chemical goes through the layers of cells through the eyes and skin. Acute toxicity testing is usually one test or a few in a short period of time. This leads to high dose amounts which gives much worse side effects inclusive of abdominal pain, seizures, paralysis, and more. After the animals are tested, they stay in cages without fresh air or seeing light. One of the worst parts is that after all the testing, the product might not even be suitable for humans. All these animals have a brain in which they can feel pain and emotion. Us humans are animals too, why should we do this to our …show more content…

Going back to chapter 1, millions of cats and dogs are euthanized a year and endure being stray. These high numbers are mostly because of a big litter that was unplanned. Removing a pet’s reproductive organs is a great way to battle animal overpopulation. The price of spaying or neutering has a range of about $45-$175. That is not too much relative to caring for a whole litter of kittens or puppies. There are other great reasons to spay and neuter animals besides the fact that it doesn’t contribute to overpopulation. For instance, “spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats.” ( In summary, one easy, cost effective treatment can help with animal overpopulation and

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