
Boxing To Rocky Balboa Essay

Satisfactory Essays

When it comes to a sport that you like, you always want to try your best. But in this story Rocky dedicates his whole time and effort into his favorite sport which is boxing. Boxing to rocky was wasn't only fun loving sport to him it was also hard working and risks. After all his matches he was fully prepared for his all-time big match in his hometown in Philadelphia against the world wide champions.
During the year of 1776 there was a man named Rocky Balboa who lived in Philadelphia in a tough neighborhood. While boxing to make a living he didn't make enough, so he became a hustler for a man named Buddy to earn extra cash, During those struggling times rocky began to develop feelings for a shy girl named Adrian Pennino, who worked at a local pet store. He didn't realize he was going to get the most shocking chance of …show more content…

So many people were cheering him on and supporting him to keep trying, to never give up. The part that shocked me was how Mickey threw out all of his things out of his locker and left it in a bag. When Rocky go his big chance for a fight Micky wanted to become his Coach, this part drew a big of anger on how Micky changed with this news but I was also happy.
The message of this film was to show the audience not to give up during tough times in life and to pick themeself up and work hard. The film demonstrates living in a tough neighborhood opportunities do come to those who believe in themselves. Avildsen ( Film Director), Shows up though Rocky Balboa what believing in yourself not giving up and working hard will get you to a successful life.
The movie is rated PG it would attract families to watch it together. Rocky draws in the older crowd audience those who like classics, sports and inspirational films. Despite the movie Rocky having a specific audience I recommend this movie for everyone because it has a clear motivating

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