Boys without girl friends in NSU
As a coeducation institution boys and girls study together in North South University, they come in contact with many strangers on the sidewalks, steps, classrooms, and library. At first these individuals constituted a confusing blur of people they didn’t know. In a relatively short period, however, as they walked down on the campus or sat in the classrooms, some faces began to stand out simply because they passed by or sat beside a few individuals more than once. These casual and unplanned contacts soon led to mutual recognition. Those boys and girls may not have known who these individuals were, but they came to recognize their faces. As a result both of them were more likely to say “Hi”
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They are always in rush to finish their works on time. The last option was for those boys who did not want to have affair with girls during their study. But it was rare. The result of the options will be found from the following graph.
If we look at the graph, 15%students said they did not have female friends for study pressure, 20% showed the reason of shortage of money and the rest 15% did not have enough time to continue affair, their lake of time was the reason for not having girlfriend.
[pic] The idea about love
Love is a central issue in most people’s lives and some times people may not know the right meaning about love. Their perspective may be different and every one can think about love in different way. The second question was asked that the boys had clear idea about love to make relationship with any girl. [pic]
From the graph, the opinions of the question will be clear. It was found that 20% said they had clear idea about love, 10% said that they did not have so much knowledge about love to make affair with any girl. The rest of the 20% gave opinion that it was not necessary to have clear idea about love, because everyone might have different feelings and thoughts to get involved in affair.
[pic] Effect of money
The importance of money in love was mentioned in the first question. Money has magical effect to start and continue an affair. There is a popular modern proverb “ The thicker the money bag of boys, the
For many, love is a constant search for happiness that never ends. The desire for love is longed for and pursued by every human. Many constantly seek it in self satisfaction, but are never fully satisfied with the love which they attain. The biggest reason for this is the distortion of the love which is sought for. True love is pure and selfless, the perfection of a person. It is truly something which must be cultivated in order to recognize and attain it. Love is a gift so sacred that it is worth living and dying for. “Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not
What is love? How is love express? Where can I find it? All in all, it is obvious to distinguish that love is the essential emotion of human every time and everywhere. Some people may confuse about that, however, it is an arduous job to describe it due to the diversity. Some people believe love likes delicate and charming roses, which makes you stand and appreciate for the admiration. Some people approximates the bright light of the lighthouse, which illuminates the backing way of the sailing people. Some people confirm love equals
Teenagers contain a lot of anxest and one thing their mind ponders on is finding love. For example, Romeo claims to falls in “love” several times before he meets Juliet. With that motive in mind when the two met they
Two important cultural aspects in this society is that nobody values relationships and the negative effects of having too much
The definition of love and the methods of finding it are shaped by the cultural
What is love? Love is can be consider as emotion or feeling to pleasure or affection. Sometimes people choose our own partner or chosen by our family. Love can be also conducted by destiny, when both peers don’t know why they attracted to one another. When a person loves someone just for a day, or not feeling that they will be together forever, we can consider it as a lust. Love stories are dominant in our generation as people might have experienced different kinds of love in their lives. In Love in time of Cholera, “Why I Live at the PO” and “A Rose for Emily” are the example of love stories, which the flow of the story is about the protagonist’s problems. Lust can be considers as the main reason of conflict in most relationship. Love is complicated and comes in differente forms, can be chosen, destine or lust. Sometimes, loves can create conflict with everyone.
Love comes in numerous ways and can be expressed in countless fashions. Love is powerful, has a meaning, and is capable of eclipsing time all due to the human psyche. One can love anything from a family member, to a fictional character in a TV show, or even an inanimate object. The fluidity of love is what makes it so difficult to understand if one is “in love” or has ever experienced love. Experiences often mold a person’s perspective on what love truly is. Love is not an emotion, but rather a condition of the mind that cause one to act in ways that are uncharacteristic. It can be blinding, obsessive, and pure, depending on the reciprocation of the love. Since love is an abstract concept, one simply cannot measure how much love they have received or given alike. Although the human brain can perceive and interpret other’s actions or words as signs of love and care, in which the mind processes this into the mental psyche that is love.
Love is said to be the greatest human experience in which mankind are privilege to partake in. To love can be a wondrous experience filling life with bliss and other strong emotions. Some people believe to love is to be alive and be able to see the good in the world and others. The purpose of this paper is to examine and find a better understanding of what is love, to explore what people believe love to be, and what lies surround the perception of love and to explore and expose what the meaning true love is or at the very least the authors understanding of the perception of love. In addition to exploring the concept, deception and the truth of love,
What is Love? Does anyone really know the meaning of the word? Does it have a different meaning to different people? In Kipnis’s essay “Love Labors”, Laura Kipnis touches on many different aspects of love. This is a touchy subject simply because love brings out many different opinions and beliefs. Kipnis argues over the fact that in order to have a good relationship and love someone people have to be able to meet certain requirements, which are mutuality, communication, and advanced intimacy.
One of the most complicated experiences in life, love cannot be precisely defined, but some basic indications help to characterize the feeling. Love is a very deep, passionate affection one person has for another or a relationship of the same nature that implies a unique intensity of emotion. It requires an especially strong connection and compatibility between two people, usually identified by a total understanding and respect for each other and a fundamental similarity in ideology. Love can also be seen in the way it alters people’s normal behavior; when someone is in love, the object of their affection seems like the most important thing in the world, and they do extreme things for that feeling to be requited. Love cannot easily be
The human idea of love is quite possibly the most misunderstood in today’s society. Love can be between a man and woman, mother/father and their kids, or even really good friends. However, these relationships of love go through many interactions and stages to start and progress. Many psychological events must occur and be worked through in order to be successful. All relationships must endure the five perspectives of human behavior. These perspectives are biological, learning, social and cultural, cognitive, and psychodynamic influences.
Love has many different meanings to different people. For a child, love is what he or she feels for his mommy and daddy. To teenage boy, love is what he should feel for his girlfriend of the moment, only because she says she loves him. But as we get older and "wiser," love becomes more and more confusing. Along with poets and philosophers, people have been trying to answer that age-old question for centuries: What is love?
Love is an abundant emotion that has different degrees. There is familial love, friendly love, unconditional love, and of course romantic love. Romantic love will be the superstar of this article. Romantic love may be around every corner whether between an old couple or a young teenage romance. However, love is not the easiest thing to attain. It is such a simple concept, though a difficult thing to actually have a person’s hands on.
Love is a powerful feeling; it makes you do crazy thing. Many people spend years trying to find it, others give up thinking they’ll never find it. Love has been defined as an intensive feeling of a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone. Of course, Love doesn 't have to romantic and/or sexual. People who are ace, as in asexual, aromantic and agender, can still be in relationships that are satisfying for them without the needs of a romantic relationship. Familial love is also non-romantic-sexual. However, in this paper, we will be talking about romantic-sexual love, what it is, and why I believe it’s so important to understand and experience.
When discussing love, people generally think about the love between a husband and wife, or the love between a couple in a romantic partnership, and that is one type of love that I will be discussing. In addition to romantic love, there are other types of love also. There is the love we have for our children, our families, and also the love that we have for our friends. All of these types of love share some of the same attributes, however, they have differences also. In reading and researching different types of love, I have found that romantic love and friendship seem to be the most similar in nature, although they have differences, they share a lot of the same attributes. I found that friendship and romantic love tend to have more similarities than differences. In this paper I will examine romantic love and friendship. I will discuss the definitions of the two, and what elements each of these have. I will discuss the different theories of love, and I will compare and contrast the similarities and differences between romantic love and friendship.