
Bp—Deepwater Horizon Case Study Ethics

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BP—Deepwater Horizon Case Study INT1001 Study Skills Module Reading and Writing Skills—Summative Assignment Done by: Mew Hui Ying
Date: 12 February 2013
Industry: Oil and Gas
Company: British Petrol

Contents Page No.

1. Introduction………………………………………………….…….3

2. The Case:
2.1 The Deepwater Horizon Explosion……………………..4
2.2 Key Stakeholders and their Involvement……………....5
2.2.1 Shareholders……………………………………..5
2.2.2 Government……………………………………....5
2.2.3 Fishermen, …show more content…

The government was also responsible for activating coast guards and the military in its response to the spill. Hence, the role of the US government here is crucial as a “parent” to ensure that BP acts in the welfare of its citizens.

2.2.3 Fishermen, Activists and Environmentalists
With the huge impact of the oil spill on marine life and coastal regions, fishing and tourism industries of the places affected in the Gulf Coast severely declined. In the fishing industry, the incident led to an approximate $2.5 billion loss, while tourist industries experienced a loss of a predicted $23 billion (Jarvis, 2010). In addition, the moratorium placed on deep water drilling left 58,000 workers unemployed (ibid).

In its Annual General Meeting in 2011, BP faced protests against BP’s executive’s remunerations and voiced their injustice (Webb & McVeigh, 2011). Facebook pages such as “Boycott BP” and RIP Spongebob, who died in an oil spill cause of BP” have been set up by activists, and have garnered 847,730 and 468,157 likes respectively (Jarvis, 2010). Hence, the impacts on these stakeholders have varying degrees, but are nonetheless affected one way or another by BP’s mistake.

2.3 Ethics and Values
According to BP’s Code of Conduct, BP ”commits to “excellence and to the disciplined management of our operations” (BP, 2013a). In this

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