
Brain Imaging Myth

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A myth that many people believe is that humans only use ten percent of their brain. One reason why so main people believe this is because it has been pushed by many psychics or any paranormal pushers because if science can't explain it psychic powers can. Brain imaging such as PET scans, show that the majority of the brain is used at one point or another. Driving, for example, uses literally all of the brain to process everything that is being done.
The cerebellum, the part of the brain that regulates and coordinates the movements of the body. It allows us to do things without thinking and helps with memory. While driving the cerebellum coordinates the left and right hand movement.
The Medulla controls the heartbeat and breathing. This assists the …show more content…

Another sensory and motor involved part of the brain is the Thalamus. Although this part of the brain sends messages to the cerebral cortex. When driving visual and auditory information is being sent.
Hypothalamus is involved with emotions, thirst, hunger and is in charge of the nervous system. Hypothalamus adjusted temperatures in your body and tells the driver if they are hungry or thirsty.
The Amygdala, which help the driver with memory and emotions. This part of the brain comes in when the driver is scared, happy, or angry. When the driver begins to get frustrated and has road rage, it is because of the Amygdala.
The Hippocampus is important for learning and memory. With this the driver can memorize speed limits, where certain stop signs. Also reminds driver where certain streets are closed or road hazard areas.
Corpus Callosum is axon fibers which helps the driver with sensory and motor driving information from both sides of the brain.
The frontal lobe is about reasoning, planning, speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving. The frontal lobe will assess the driver to respond to

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