
Brain Injury Paper

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In a study by Fink, Stagitti, & Galvin (Fink, Stagitti, & Galvin, 2012), three male children with acquired brain injury were assessed on their abilities in pretend play situations. The three children were between the ages of three and six years of age. Each child had be diagnosed with acquired brain injury due to a different cause; the causes included meningitis, arteriovenous malformation (AVM), and a motor vehicle accident (MVA). Since the children were under the age of eight, the examiners used the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment (ChIPPA), to assess their ability to initiate and engage in play.
Using the ChIPPA, the examiners assessed the children individually in a quiet space. Seeing that the children were under the age, their parents were also in the room at a distance from the testing. Prior to assessment the examiners retrieved background information on each individual child from answers of the parents and medical records. For further data analysis of the child’s play, the examiners used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences and the Clinical Observation form. The examiners conducted two sessions of the ChIPPA; which included the symbolic and conventional imaginative pretend play, that are then divided into three sections …show more content…

During the conventional imaginative play, children were “invited to play with conventional toys…” (Fink, Stagnitti, & Galvin, 2012, p. 337), where two children scored in the expected range, while one child showed significant delay. During the symbolic play session, children were “invited to play with unstructured materials…” (Fink, Stagnitti, & Galvin, 2012, p. 337), where the results were a reversal of the conventional imaginative play results. In the symbolic play session, one child scored above the expected range, while two children showed a form of

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