Neurological Tests
A brain perfusion scan is a type of brain test that shows the amount of blood in certain parts of the brain. This test tells doctors how the brain is functioning. There are different types of brain perfusion scans. The test would take place in radiology. A doctor may do the test is a patient has epilepsy, brain tumor, dementia, or has had a stroke.
A medical assistant can tell the patient the steps and how this is performed. They can also tell them how long the procedure will take. The can give them information on what the doctor is looking for. Also if they need someone to drive them to and from the doctors. They should tell the patient if they are allowed to eat or drink before the procedure is done. The patient
To begin, medical assistants can be overlooked in a medical office because some health care professionals may not understand what a medical assistant can do. According to Taché and Chapman (2005), “Many physicians are unsure of what tasks are appropriate to assign to an MA and do not help MAs work to their full abilities and potential” (p. 51). Medical Assistant are a great asset to a medical office because the medical assistant can perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory tasks.
It describes the procedures, actions and processes that a person in the medical field is permitted to do while staying in the lines of the dos and don’ts of their professional license. As for medical assistants and the scope of practice tends to differ from the rest just like any other healthcare professional. To make it clear, medical assistants are NOT licensed to be a doctor, health practitioner clinician. Our level of experience falls into the so-called middle-skills job class. Different states have different laws that medical assistants have to follow, but fall into the same criteria as the other states. As medical assistants, we are prohibited from making judgments about treatment, making independent assessments, diagnoses, and may not:Triage patients aloneDo not tell the patient about test resultsGive medicine without permission or doctors ordersGive medication directly in the veins of For the medical assistants, we are always under the supervision of the doctor or any other health care professional. We are never alone. In my program, we are taught different things like, billing and coding, phlebotomy, and office work. Personally, I’d like to work in the field and interact with the patients and help them as much as my scope of practice allows. One day, I will go to the next level of the medical field and further my
Impaired cerebral blood flow disorders are extremely common and factors such as the lesion site, existing collateral’s, and the amount of tissue affected determines the actual neurological deficit that results. The impaired blood flow may have a number of causes. Things such as alterations in blood pressure, changes in the arterial walls, and occlusions of the arterial lumen are some of the more important causes.
“A medical assistant is expected to be an expert in both medical and administrative tasks. Being an assistant, he/she is expected to help the doctors in their daily activities regarding treating patients. A medical assistant (MA) is responsible for the smooth functioning of the employing facility. He can work in a doctor's office or in private or government medical health care centers. Do you want to become a medical assistant? How to prepare yourself for a job in the health care sector? What are the prerequisites for a certified medical assistant (CMA)? The
2. Another important role of the assistant is providing the necessary help to the patients in performing exercises, stretches, and other such therapeutic activities. 3. The patients, in some cases, are required to use certain special equipment. It is the job of an OTA to help the patient understand how to use such equipment properly for effective treatment and results.
Being a medical assistant involves being able to perform both clerical and clinical tasks. Clerical jobs include typing and answering phones and clinical involve more jobs like a nurse. Medical Assistants (MAs) help physicians by taking vital signs, interviewing patients, ordering supplies, and keeping records. They also may authorize drug refills as directed by a physician and telephone prescriptions to a pharmacy. They may also perform lab tests and
Physician Assistants are also known as a PA’s; they practice medicine under the direction of physicians and surgeons. They formally trained to examine patients, diagnose injures and illness, and provide treatment. Physician Assistants also evaluate and treat patients under the supervision of doctors and surgeons. A Physician Assistants is a graduate of an accredited Physician Assistant educational program who is nationally certified and state- licensed to practice medicine with the supervision of a physician. Core tasks of a Physician Assistant are they take medical histories and examine patients. They Interpret lab test and make diagnoses, Treat minor injuries with stitches, splints, casts, and prescribes certain medications, The
The medical field is one of the fastest occupations in the world. Medical Assistants and LPNs have different roles and responsibilities. You will get a better understanding about each occupation position in the medical field. Understand the difference between the two is not as difficult as it seems. The difference between the two is Medical Assistants handles basic clinical tasks. They are responsible for medical records, book-keeping, and answering call. Most Medical Assistants help Doctors examine and treat patients. They are responsible for drawing blood, and giving injections. Medical Assistants work in private offices and have clinical duties according to the state law. Medical Assistant can check temperature, height, and weight. They
Medical assistants are cross-trained to perform clinical duties such as coding and filling out insurances forms for the physicians (AAMA, 1996). They handle correspondence, billing, and bookkeeping (AAMA, 1996). They assist the physicians during exams and prepare and administer medication as directed by a physician (AAMA, 1996). Medical assistants also remove sutures and change dressings (AAMA, 1996). Medical assistants are essential members of the health department.
Some of the duties of a medical assistant can be administrative as well as clinical. The main duty is for the medical assistant is to bring the patient in, get there vital signs, such as height, weight, blood pressure, temperature and whatever else the facility wants. Medical assistants record information
Cerebral perfusion pressure, or CPP, is the pressure needed to ensure blood flow to the brain and is equal to the difference between the mean arterial pressure and the intracranial pressure (CPP=MAP-ICP) (Lewis et al, p. 1357). The body uses a system of autoregulation to maintain these pressures within a narrow range as too little pressure could cause inadequate blood flow resulting in brain tissue ischemia and too high of pressure could raise intracranial pressure resulting in compression if tissues or constriction of blood flow within the brain. Extremes of either are potentially
A medical assistant is important to the physicians and nursing staff. Doctors and nursing staff have to be able to concentrate on the medical problems and concerns of their patients. These assistants keep the physicians on schedule, the healthcare facility on course, the workflow smooth and running, the patients informed, and the customers comfortable and safe. Basically, they keep the medical office together. Physicians and surgeons have their own long list of chores and responsibilities to maintain. They just do not have enough time to handle all of the chores that are given to the medical assistants. Without them, things would be really chaotic and frustrating. Physicians as well as nurses would have way too much on their plate to manage.
A medical assistant is someone who performs a variety of administrative and clinical tasks, such as taking vitals or completing medical histories. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment in the medical assistant field to grow by
There are several technologies to allow researchers to create structural images of the brain. We can use computerised tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to produce a series of X-rays of the brain with the MRI this does produce much higher definition pictures more helpful because it goes beyond just the structural data. Newer techniques like the position emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imagery. Where the pet requires the participant or patient to ingest a radioactive substance that many if not all participants in a research study may be, are very unwilling do.
The quantitative methods explained so far quantify the CBF (in one way or another) but in relative units, which implies that the regional CBF values are relative to the number of counts corresponding to a reference value. The reference value may be the mean value of a specific brain region (e.g., the cerebellum) or the whole brain. The reference value should not be affected by the pathology under study, so that the regional relative CBF values are due to the effect of the disease in the patient and not to the reference