
Brain and Behavior

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Chapter 2 Brain and Behavior The cerebral cortex outer layer of the cerebrum has the two largest hemispheres that covers the upper part of the brain which are divided into smaller portion called lobes. Corticalization is an increase in size of the wrinkling of the cortex and without this we would not be any smarter than any other animal. Cerebral hemispheres are divided into right and left halves of the cortex connected by thick band axon fibers called corpus. Hemispheric specialization, testing only one side of the brain by a process called the Split Brain operation, which is essentially a person with two brains in one body. The corpus callosum is cut, to control severe epilepsy (seizure disorder), but this operation is rare and is …show more content…

According to brain imaging techniques, the parietal lobe, an area of the cerebral cortex, is larger and more active in men than in women. In fine motor activities, such as sewing, drawing, painting and writing, women perform better. The linguistic and objective memories of women are also better. The subcortex, right underneath the cerebral, controls hunger, thirst, sleep, attention, sex, breathing and many other vital functions. The subcortex can be divided into brainstem, midbrain, and the forebrain. The hindbrain or brain stem consists of three parts. The first is the medulla, which is actually an extension of the spinal cord into the skull. Besides containing tracts up and down to and from the higher portions of the brain, the medulla also contains some of the essential nuclei that govern respiration and heart rate. It is the regulatory system for sleep, waking, and alertness. The second part is the pons, which sits in front of the medulla, and wraps around it to the back. It is primarily the pathways connecting the two halves of the next part, which is called the cerebellum. The cerebellum, which means "little brain" it is primarily responsible for coordinating involuntary movement. It is believed that, when you learn complex motor tasks, the details are recorded in the cerebellum. In human beings, the midbrain is the smallest part of the brain. It connects the hindbrain to the

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