
Brave New World Analysis

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is written in 1931, it is a utopian and dystopian novel which is based on a futuristic society that takes place in London, England in the seventh century A.F (After Ford), 632 years after birth of American industrialist Henry Ford. The novel is about pleasure without repercussion and revolves around eugenics. Brave New World is an allusion and refers to Shakespeare’s The Tempest, “O brave new world, that hath such people in it”. The babies of this society are created on assembly line, that are preprogrammed to grow into people that their society need, this is possible with the process called ‘Bokanovskification’, which only the lower class of society go through. In this world when someone is stressed they take a soma pill, which is a drug to dull senses.
To understand a work of literature, it helps to understand the context behind the piece of work. Brave New World has many extraordinary concepts, that come from Huxley’s experiences. Experiences that Aldous Huxley has begins when he visits the United States of America in 1926. Henry Ford’s idea of assembly line impacts Huxley on a disturbing level, he believes that conditions the factory workers are going through is dehumanizing. Furthermore, he does not like the way vitality was expressed in the United States. One more major role that provides material for this novel is when he goes to Italy when an authoritarian government led by Benito Mussolini fought against birth control to produce

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