
Brave New World Soma Quotes

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Brave New World “Now,you swallow two or three half-gramme tablet,and there you are.Anybody can be virtuous now.You can carry at least your morality about in a bottle”[237-238]. In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley characters in the novel live in a world where everyone is always without a doubt happy.Mustapa Mond says to John while he’s trying to prove that civilation doesn’t need nobility and heroism because there’s no need for it and that divided allegiances don’t exist because “Now you swallow tow or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are.Anybody can be virtuous now.You can carry at least your morality about in a bottle”[237-238].Soma is a drug that helps you take a “holiday” from all your troubles and escape the real world …show more content…

In our world today soma exists in a different but similar way.Soma in today’s world can be alcholic drinks and drugs.People today just like in the World State use it to forget about their worries and just like today’s world when the affects run out they then long for more and use more.Another similarity between our world today and the world state is that our goverment and alocholic drink companies get money and advantages just like how the world state gets to control the people with soma.I think soma shouldn’t be used because feeling sad,happy,exited,scared,anxious,and in love are just parts of your life and should be dealt with and not just forgotten about.Going through these feelings can also make you feel better afterwards because you will learn to deal with the feelings and finally let them go.For example when a two really close friends that have known each other for a long time get into a fight and stop seeing each other because they need to think things over and during that time they feel sad so they end up taking the time and thinking things over and later getting back to being friends because they felt their sadness and let go of their anger.In my life whenever I feel sad or down I don’t take drugs and anything similar in a negative way but instead I go out with friends or play a sport to make me feel better.To make the people in the world state not feel anything they give them soma so that the people

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