
Brazil Freedom Of Religion

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The effort for the freedom of religion or belief has been ongoing for centuries, and has caused innumerable, often tragic events, especially against Christians. The twentieth century saw the codification of shared values related to freedom of religion and belief in abundant international treaties, declarations and conventions. The United Nations recognized the significance of religious liberty in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Universal Declaration). Nevertheless, in a four-year study of religious discrimination around the world (2006-2010), Christians were still the most-discriminated against group, experiencing harassment by the government and society in 168 countries.

Brazil nowadays is considered to be the world leader in Freedom of Religion. Due to the diversity of its heritage, this country boasts a vast of religious moral beliefs and affiliations As Brazil was forming its cultural identity and immigrants started to arrive, new religious patterns have begun to be developed. Apart from the Portuguese, Brazil was also firmly colonized by Africans. These populations brought their customs and beliefs that …show more content…

Brazil proposes legislative support for religious minorities against racism in labor sector, acts against forcing people to convert and policies of combating religious fanaticism that results to vigilantism or terrorism. States should also promote the acquisition by religious communities of a collective legal standing, which they may need to undertake important community functions, such as employing professional staff, purchasing real estate to build places of worship or establishing charitable organizations or institutions of religious

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