Oh, I love when a student can explain why they wrote something. Those students are fun to work with, in personal opinion.
Breadth can be a difficult one for sure and maybe use yourself as an example could work? As an example, "As an outside reader, I see this paper conveying a different message then what you're writing about." Another way is maybe explain to the student that most professors will review the paper as an outsider. This one can be a silly-slope depending on the paper, but this could be a start.
However, before the ultimate chance to succeed presented itself, there were months of hard work, assignments, practice tests, and passages to read. The road to success would not be easy, and there were frequent stops along the way. Writing an essay in forty minutes?! That was outrageous, Fran thought at first. Fortunately, Mrs. Belles would diligently meet or surpass her students with the effort she put into teaching; she consistently encouraged and taught her students in detail what they needed not only to pass the AP exam, but also prepared them for writing essays in college. In addition to knowledge, Mrs. Belles bestowed the gift of confidence upon her students, which Francine reports to be priceless and something
In her article “Not all College Majors Are Created Equal”, Singletary states that engineering major with relevant internship within the innovation industry results in higher chances of attracting a good job. Unemployment is higher among high school dropouts compared to 22.9%, which represents the rate of unemployment among post-secondary graduates. Therefore, rates of employment among college degree holders are much higher than the chances a high school diploma can fill at workplace because of the differences in skills.
-Students are working with others that are below grade level. They will have the opportunity to help teach them. This will build their understanding as well.
First, I have over eight years of professional experience as a supplemental instructor/ tutor at HCC and BMCC. In this capacity, I gained valuable insights from my students and work, including simplified instruction to complex questions and importance of providing constructive and specific feedback on written work.
A big concern in todays’ world for graduating college students is being able to find a job right out of school. More times than not, there are many problems that occur when a student chooses a specific career path. In the short exert “Why Focusing Too Narrowly In College Could Backfire”, written by Peter Cappelli, he discusses in his opinion, as well as many others, the right path students should be taking. The lead way students should be following to secure they get a job in a field they will enjoy. Many students have trouble picking a college to go to let alone what major they want to focus on. Students are told to pick a major and start taking the classes for it as soon as possible without realizing they might not even enjoy that field of work. There are many struggles in college with picking the correct classes and
Throughout the semester, I wrote about topics that I thought were interesting to me or about something I like to do. I wrote about hunting, baseball, fishing, and Pearl Jam. I liked writing about these topics because they all were fun to write about because I knew some of it already, but I also learned a lot about them. Such when Pearl Jam played certain shows, or when the Cardinals won their first World Series.
I have really enjoyed being in this English class. Just like the warning we got in the very beginning, there has been a lot of writing. It was good for me though. I took English 101 over the summer, but found I had quite a bit of writer’s block. It was hard for me to get any kind of energy to write. I found that interesting because I feel like I like writing is something that is enjoyable to me. With this class, the activities put forth, meant to help us get the writing gears moving, really worked for me.
There are many benefits to getting a Liberal Arts degree in today’s economic market. It is a message to your employer that you are willing to take on new information, and learn more then what is necessary to succeed. It shows initiative and the ability to expand your horizons beyond yourself. In a Liberal Arts education there is more purpose then just learning the career field of choice. It is a program that teaches critical thinking and self-thought. It teaches the student how to learn and teach themselves, to achieve more than just memorization of facts.
It was my first writing class as a college freshmen and I did not know what to expect, like whether or not the class would be harder compared to what I took in high school or even if I would enjoy taking class. But as soon as day one turned in into week one, than soon week fifteen I felt more comfortable in the class than what I have probably felt in the beginning. I felt like I could write anything my professor threw at me, because through writing I could express my individuality. It gives me the freedom to express myself through words, and write about things I felt passionate about writing about. I felt as though I writing because I wanted to, and less because I was assigned to do so.
Often times when people talk about General Douglas MacArthur, they tend to think of a great military leader of the World War Two (WWII) or the Korean War. General MacArthur once said, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” General Douglas MacArthur, also known as Mac, was a Visionary Leader that not only shaped the outcome of the Korean War but Japan as well. However, he was not the most Ethical Leader to serve in the United States Military, which led to him being relieved of duty by President Truman in 1951. In this paper we will review not just how he was a visionary but at times unethical and how I relate those leadership traits to my own.
I do personally think that they should put more diverse culture at colleges and have them have several different cultures and for them to have more things that not everyone would hear of on campus. I was at Peru recently and I had seen that there wasn’t that many different cultures on campus but that could have been because we were there the week after they went back to school. One thing that I could see is that they do need to have some type of diversity in there campus. I had seen that SCC has a lot of diversity on campus. Peru just needs to have more diversity. The college applications do need to have some type of question to ask them what type of race they have but they don’t need to be rude about it. They just need to have diversity, they
“…As for all the seniors, I want you to challenge yourselves this year and don’t think you’re going to cruise through to graduation.”-Mrs. Smith, County High School. Although some seniors in high school refuse to take a hard schedule, I decided to take a challenging composition course my last year of high school and learned more than ever before from it. My teacher, Mr. Bacz, focused mostly on vocabulary, grammar, and how to right an essay. Each one of these subjects combined to give me a year of hard work, which eventually paid off.
I thought you post was familiar, after having been through Harvey and Rita. There was that fear of the unknown when one returns after an evacuation. After Rita, it was a week or more before residents could return to our homes. I believe it was for our safety, with power lines down and roads blocked with trees, etc. Per our instructions for peer responses, I selected the elderly population and the challenges they may face post disaster.
I have truly enjoyed writing for most of my life and after this class I will continue to enjoy writing hopefully with more skill. I have always viewed myself as a fairly strong writer and this class has reaffirmed that for me, but it has also shown weaknesses in my writing. As an introduction level class this has been one of my favorites; at some point I will take a higher level, even though it is not required for my major. Even though this class is almost over I am continuing to learn. I also love that this class will help me with literally ever other class in my college career. I am not a particularly strong reader, but as my writing skills improve so do the reading skills. While in this class I have learned a lot about everything from what I can improve, to subjects that interest me, and constructing a successful paper.
A crisis has the propensity to arise at any given moment in an individual’s life. Two of the three definitions of a crisis comes from the Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, the first one is, “a difficult or dangerous situation that needs serious attention”. Another definition of crisis provided by Merriam-Webster is, “the decisive moment”. In addition, (Hoff, Hallisey, & Hoff, 2009) defines crisis as, “ a serious occasion or turning point presenting both danger and oppurtunity.” This is vital and for some mind changing when they look at a crisis from the angles of ‘a decisive moment’ or ‘an oppurtunity’. There is a possibilty that many people in situations where optimism is not popular, will not first view a crisis as a potential for