
Break down of compromise between 1820 and 1860 leading to the civil war

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AP U.S. History December 3, 2013 Analysis of the Compromise Breakdown from 1820 to 1860 Time periods of American history are analyzed closely to the extent that it is essential to understand the motives and basis for future events and to recognize social patterns. Among events that have affected the United States, immigrations, wars and political dispute are three of the chief categories that most directly affect the state of the nation as well as each other. The war class has been easily liked to both political and social changes in the domestic atmosphere and is therefore subject to analysis of the varying origins and causes. And no other war has affected the United States like the Civil War due to the sheer number of deaths and …show more content…

In 1828, Congress passed a high protective tariff that infuriated the southern states because they felt it only benefited the industrialized North. For example, a high tariff on imports increased the cost of British textiles, which benefited American producers of cloth but shrunk English demand for southern raw cotton and increased the final cost of finished goods to American buyers. This tax and others resulted in the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification where the South attempted to nullify the tariff, thereby breaking federal law. President Jackson rightly regarded this states’ rights challenge as so serious that he asked Congress to enact legislation permitting him to use federal troops to enforce federal laws in the face of nullification. Fortunately, an armed confrontation was avoided when Congress led by the efforts of Henry Clay, revised the tariff with a compromise bill. As seen in Document A, Clay attempted to lighten the severity of what South Carolina had done by imposing that South Carolina hadn’t ever attempted to secede. This statement is clearly subject to a bias examination, as it seemed he meant to protect primarily the first southern bastion of a war from demolition, as he himself was a southern Democratic-Republican. The effects of this entailed Southerners questioning whether Jackson and the democrats really represented Southern

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