
Breaking A Social Norm Essay

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Social Norms can be defined as expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop out of values or morals. Someone’s values can be defined as their idea of what is desirable in life. People develop expectations of what is the right way to reflect these values. When norms are violated people are usually shocked and form sanctions from the norm that is being broken, either positively or negatively. For this paper I was required to violate a norm. The norm I decided to violate had to do with personal space.
I decided to go walk around Bakersfield College and sit next to people who were sitting alone and ask them how there day was going and try to start a conversation. This usually does not happen and when it does it can be classified as breaking …show more content…

There was a boy walking around campus screaming that he was “walking all alone” and he wished he had someone to walk with him. The violation would have to do with common etiquette because you very rarely see anyone screaming around a college campus that they are walking alone or anything of that sort. Most students or people you see walking alone or sitting alone do not want to create any attention around themselves. The people around him had a confused reaction. Most people just laughed, but everyone stared, including me. This could also be classified as a folkway because people did not really make a big deal about the situation, but it was noticed by most …show more content…

My norm violation would not be close to committing a more because this would be a more extreme norm violation. People who violate society’s most important rules are violating the most important mores. Violating one person’s folkways can be violating another person’s mores. A taboo refers to breaking a norm so strong that it brings extreme sanctions if violated. When someone violates a taboo the person is usually judged to the point where they are unfit to live in the same society as others. The norm violation that I committed was not as extreme and would not be defined as taboo or as serious as breaking a social

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