
Breaking Balls: A Short Story

Decent Essays

A few more. Just a few more and then you are done. Let’s go. Five. That last one was not the best. A little bit more hip rotation and that should fix it. Four. Okay, so that was not right. Pull more to the glove side, but keep the front shoulder closed. Three. That’s better. Maybe try a breaking ball? No; need to repeat the mechanics and not get fancy. Two. Alright, that was about the same. Focus. This will pay off in the end. Keep working. One. Woah! Do not want to be there. Get it down. Pull down more. Okay, maybe two more-- hit the spot—get it right. Better. One more. End it right. Finish strong; keep working. Not going to be able to finish on that. Another. Keep working. Excellent. Let’s get some water and call it a day.
I have learned …show more content…

But, this paper is not going to finish itself. Well, it is due Wednesday, and its Monday… No, do it now, relax later. Do not want to be stressing about it when it is Tuesday night and it is not done. I have lab then, and will not have time. It is now, or it just is not going to get done. Get it done. Go to the study room; get it done. Balancing school and baseball, and learning to work hard in both has continually helped me in my studies in college. There is a greater course load over a shorter period of time which leaves no time to fool around when things need to get done. This was also true in high school juggling baseball and school …show more content…

The benefits this can have in the future simply outweigh the headache and the stress. I have signed up for seven and a half more years of this—three and half more here, and another four in medical school-- so I might as well just accept this fact. This is going to be difficult, stressful, painful, maybe cause some people to leave my life, but truthfully it is worth it. I am here for me. No one else. This is for me to continue strive for a future that is better than what life is now. I do not want to be stuck in a job I hate, dealing with people I despise, doing things that I will regret. Hard work is going to make my future. Spending time studying for finals, composing essays, and striving toward a 4.0 now will set up my future in medical school, which in turn will define what I do, where I work, how much I make, my life after school. Hard work may seem boring and tedious now, but it is one of the most important things I can do to establish myself as a student, doctor, and member of the

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