Breanna Moreno
Mrs. Maudlin
English III
9 March 2017 Imagine, one day you woke up with fur all over your body. You look around and see that you 're in some type of lab but you do not know where. You see others like you and other different types of animals. They look as if they are sick or something. I could tell they did not like being here, but I did not know why. Cages on top of cages full of animals, all have swollen eyes, patches of fur missing, and even skin missing. Some of the animals looked like they were on the verge of dying. Seconds later, you see something coming toward you, with nowhere to go,something gets put around your eye. Moments later, you have pains coming from that eye and there is nothing you can do about it.
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Animal testing was never common but over a period of time people gained more knowledge on this topic. Before all the cosmetics started to get made they mainly used animals to find vaccines that worked. Government labs are the most common to use animals to test. Protesters argue about animal testing being inhumane but most other people argue that there is nothing other more effective than testing on animals. Billions of dollars go into animal testing each year and each and every year the price invested continues to go up. “Anesthetics were not available before the mid- 1800s” (Judson 10). Even after they got anesthetics for animals protesters still fought to try to get animal testing banned. Although some people argue, the treatment of the animals have got better over time. In summary, animal testing has been around for a super long time and with all the virus and all the products being sold, animal testing is not going anywhere for a long time. First, we are going to talk about animal testing for vaccines. For vaccines they find a cure for the animal they are using to test, then they try to find a working vaccine for people. In 1796, Edward Jenner’s found a working smallpox vaccine. Scientists continue to search for vaccines for HIV/ AIDs, West Nile fever, and more. “A vaccine for the West Nile virus has been developed for horses, and scientists working with mice reported in 2003 that progress had been
“The Fed did not bailout Bear at taxpayer expense, but enabled – as it is mandated – the financial markets to continue to function. History will call the Fed’s action the right move at the right time”, says Jeremy Siegel, Ph.D. The Bear Stearns Company began a financial meltdown in July 2007. By March 2008, it was ready to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Some people believe that the Federal Reserve should not have stepped in to bailout Bear Stearns because it was rewarding reckless business behavior and Bear should have been left to file bankruptcy. The deal of Bear Stearns was not a government bailout; it was rather a loan to preserve jobs, homes, savings, the economy, the shareholders of Bear, and the financial
Animal testing is a common practice in current life that is necessary to ensure the safety of the humans that will be using the tested product. There are many good and bad aspects of animal testing, but the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Animal testing has been around since ancient times when animals were dissected to gain knowledge about the body and organs. The animals killed from animal testing make up a tiny percentage of the total animals killed every year. When just considering the animals used for food compared to the animals used for testing, testing animals make up a mere 2.6 percent of that number. Public safety far outweighs the lives of the small amount of animals killed.
During the past month of March, I’ve spent much of my time in the front desk of D’ Sanchez Salon. This beauty salon has belonged to my mom for the past 8 years. She’s run the business on her own, creating her own budget and calculating her revenue by hand each month. She has no business degree and has never been to college, so after I shared this project with her, she was excited to see what accounting could do to her business.
Animals are now used as objects of experiments to test a variety of products; like shampoo, makeup, and medicines. Animals are almost always used in cancer research but animals never get the human form of cancer which affects the lungs. Animals are not required in animal testing, but people seem to ignore this statement and test on animals anyway. Testing cosmetics on animals is somewhat pointless because animals have different skin and hair than humans have. Animals are not even required in animal testing at all; a makeup company can release an untested product at their own risks. If any product says “cruelty free” on it, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the products inside the product were not tested on. Animals are used to test so many products now-a-days, animals are used to test so many useless
Animal testing began in the 1920’s after a mascara darkener caused the side effect of losing the ability of sight for women who used the product (aboutanimaltesting). The United States Food and Drug Administrator then passed the Federal food, drug and cosmetic act in 1938 which gave authority for others to test that their products were safe to use (about animal testing and Wikipedia). Furthermore, animal testing is still present in the twenty-first century as mice, rabbits, rats, guinee pigs and hamsters are still tested on (humane society). These animals are used to test for skin sensitization, eye irritation and the rate of carcinogenicity (thedodo). Although after the animals have tested the products they die because of asphyxiation (lack
Animal testing reached a high point in the early 1970s, and has been on the decline since due to increased public pressure to reduce the numbers of animals used in testing and the development of available alternatives.
Animal testing is a huge problem. The methods used to test on them are dangerous and cruel. To measure the toxic effects, animals are forced to swallow or inhale massive quantities of a test substance or have the chemical smeared in their eyes and on their skin. This makes the animals endure severe abdominal pain, convulsions, seizures, paralysis and extreme internal and external bleeding. These horrific things happen to the animals before they are killed and eventually die from all the chemicals and toxins put on and in them. That is why animal testing is a big problem.
I understand that there are different forms of animal testing. There is medical which I can agree with. Then there is the testing for the "name of science". Then there is animal testing for cosmetics. To me that is downright wrong. This testing on animals for cosmetic purposes is a problem that needs a major solution. Even though there are the benefits, there are the cons to it, the horrible effects done to the animals, the countless lives lost, there needs to be a solution.
The first time that animal testing was documented was in 238 B.C. They tested them by seeing if they would survive drops and to advance the understanding of anatomy. They would also see if they were able to fight against attackers. Now we test on animals to test medicine, chemicals, cosmetics and disease. We sometimes still get animals like how they did
Testing animals has been going on since 500 bc. Testing on animals is extremely wrong and not a good procedure to do. Animal testing is done on 26 million animals a year. Because so many animals are tested on each year, more money is wasted than the government researches dollars, many animals have died over the years. 87% of the studies have killed animals
“Mice are mice, and people are people. If we look at the mouse to model every aspect of disease for man, and to model cures, we are just wasting our time” - Dr. Clif Barry. Testing on animals can be dangerous for the animal that is being tested on. The amount of money that is sent to laboratories in the U.S.A. is outrageously high. Animal testing is not only terrible, but is unreliable more than half the time. Animal testing should not continue to be legal.
Animal testing has been around for a very long time. Animals have been used repeatedly throughout the history of biomedical research. Early Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle, (384 – 322 BC) and Erasistratus, (304 – 258 BC), performed experiments on living animals. Europe,
Animal testing has been around for hundreds of years, scientists back then would perform experiments on living animals to get a better understanding of anatomy and physiology. I believe animal testing has been a massively important thing to science and should be continued. Animal testing has gave us many cures and animals bodies functions and organs are similar to ours which give us efficiency.
Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful
The death penalty, although an ultimate punishment in America, is a very unfair and unjust punishment. If a person has the right to rape, torture, kidnap and/or murder someone else and infringe on another’s freedom; then they should be justly punished however death is not the answer. It should no longer stay as an integrated part of our country’s judicial punishment system. However, we should raise the sentences for these serious crimes, compared to what is currently occurring in today's judicial system.