
Breanna Moreno. Mrs. Maudlin. English Iii. 9 March 2017.

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Breanna Moreno
Mrs. Maudlin
English III
9 March 2017 Imagine, one day you woke up with fur all over your body. You look around and see that you 're in some type of lab but you do not know where. You see others like you and other different types of animals. They look as if they are sick or something. I could tell they did not like being here, but I did not know why. Cages on top of cages full of animals, all have swollen eyes, patches of fur missing, and even skin missing. Some of the animals looked like they were on the verge of dying. Seconds later, you see something coming toward you, with nowhere to go,something gets put around your eye. Moments later, you have pains coming from that eye and there is nothing you can do about it. …show more content…

Animal testing was never common but over a period of time people gained more knowledge on this topic. Before all the cosmetics started to get made they mainly used animals to find vaccines that worked. Government labs are the most common to use animals to test. Protesters argue about animal testing being inhumane but most other people argue that there is nothing other more effective than testing on animals. Billions of dollars go into animal testing each year and each and every year the price invested continues to go up. “Anesthetics were not available before the mid- 1800s” (Judson 10). Even after they got anesthetics for animals protesters still fought to try to get animal testing banned. Although some people argue, the treatment of the animals have got better over time. In summary, animal testing has been around for a super long time and with all the virus and all the products being sold, animal testing is not going anywhere for a long time. First, we are going to talk about animal testing for vaccines. For vaccines they find a cure for the animal they are using to test, then they try to find a working vaccine for people. In 1796, Edward Jenner’s found a working smallpox vaccine. Scientists continue to search for vaccines for HIV/ AIDs, West Nile fever, and more. “A vaccine for the West Nile virus has been developed for horses, and scientists working with mice reported in 2003 that progress had been

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