Adam Tarbell
MKTG 489
Breeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc. Case Analysis
Background/Problem Definition:
Representatives have approached breeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc. from Marketing Momentum Unlimited, a marketing and advertising consulting firm. The reason for the meeting was to discuss the company’s possible entry into the retail branded dog food market in the Boston market.
After hearing Marketing Momentum Unimited’s proposal, Breeder’s Own Pet Foods was presented with the problem of: Should Breeder’s Own Pet Foods go with the advertisings firm’s proposal, if so, which one?
Market/Industry Analysis:
The U.S. owned-dog population is 78.2 million and it is growing steadily. With a population so large it is no surprise that the pet
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Margin = ($12.86 - $7.87) / $12.86 = 39%
Mark-up = ($1.80 - $0.66) / $1.80 = 63%
Profit Margin = $12.86 - $7.87 = $4.99
Fixed Cost = Ad Budget + Slot fees = $530,000
Breakeven = $530,000 / 39% = $1,358,974
Breeders Own Pet Foods,
The Smackey Dog Food, Inc. is a family owned business. It was started by three sisters, Sarah, Kim and Jillian, in the kitchen of their home. They lived in a suburban area of Chicago, Illinois. Their business is making all natural dog food. After using their own dogs and the neighbor’s dogs as test subjects, it was discovered by local vets, pet stores and grocery stores. These local places began to distribute the dog food. The demand for their food began to increase and they moved their business to a larger facility and hired additional workers. As compared to competitors, Smackey Dog Food, Inc., began to rise
Smackey’s Dog Food Inc is a privately owned company and does not adhere to the practices of the SEC regulations. The financial statements and accounting standards have to comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP).
3.Top five companies – Nestlé Purina PetCare, Iams, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, MasterFoods USA, and Del Monte – accounted for ≈ 75% of dog food sales in 2008.
SNHU Pet Supply has designed a SWOT analysis to aid them in the best direction of marketing strategies for Pet’s Choice. To take advantages of all the opportunites available, SNHU Pet Supply can refer to this analysis in order to use their strengths for the best of the company and find the best opportunities in the market. The company could use this information from the SWOT analysis on Pet’s Choice products to develop marketing strategies and activities. The company can play on its strengths in order to promote this product so that it is beneficial for the company and the consumers. We will design the product to show the strengths the company has to offer, such as making the packaging stick out and resemble what we stand for. These multi-flavored
Breeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc. proposes to adopt a market penetration strategy due to having identified a growth opportunity in the dog food market, for its nutritionally balanced, high quality dog food brand, Breeder’s Mix. This premium product has been sold traditionally, to the show dog kennel market, but company executives are now convinced it can be repackaged and offered as a frozen premium product, to picky pet owners via general retail distribution channels. Since the product is considered premium, it should fetch premium prices because of its ingredients and its claimed benefits to
The over-arching problem that Breeder’s Own Pet Foods has is which marketing-strategy would best serve as a vehicle for entry into the dog food retail business. Additionally, it has to select the most prominent geographic location (s) for distribution of its product. Another root problem component is how to get the supermarkets to stock and distribute this dog food since it is in the frozen category and may not appeal to traditional dog food buyers because they don’t readily associate dog food with frozen goods.
Positioned to be perceived by buyer as the only dog food that they would want to purchase for a dog that is considered part of the family
Breeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc. Case AnalysisEtienne MepriseBellevue UniversityMBA652: Marketing StrategyDr. Doug Brown12/3/2013Breeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc. Case AnalysisCase RecapBreeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc. sees a growth opportunity in the retail dog food market for its nutritionally balanced, high quality dog food brand Breeder’s Mix, which has been traditionally sold to the show dog kennel market. The dog food consists of 85% fresh meat and 15% high quality fortified cereal with no additives or preservatives (Kerin and Peterson, 2013). One of the challenges for Breeder’s Own is breaking into an already saturated market. However, based on recent interest from dog food owners in organic, all natural, preservative free dog foods,
After careful review of each of the elements in launching this product, the following analysis can be determined. Zenith has to answer a specific series of questions in order to decide if their product of Show Circuit dog food will be a viable product. The market was in fact correctly segmented, although Zenith needs to see the shopping behavior of those willing to spend more on pet food. Marketing in a supermarket could inhibit the potential growth of the product. Because the market is already segmented and offered such a variety of dog foods, Zenith will have to market the product correctly and focus in on the benefits to be successful. Show Circuit needs to seek a position of a higher quality product in a different, more convenient location. It is important to play up how the location is a benefit rather than a detriment. This goes along with the sales program being successful. Show
For millions of years dogs have remained a constant companion of man. Bred from the aggressive and formidable Gray Wolf tens of thousands of years ago the domestic dog now lives in many homes across the world. Where in the far distant past the domestic dog was bred as a guard animal, a beast of burden, and even a food source the dogs of today are bred for a far more endearing purpose-companionship and love. Finding a pet dog that is more of a joy than a chore is necessary when asking: How much is that puppy in the window?
There is a large problem of animal cruelty linked to the food industry in the United States. Countless slaughterhouses, chicken farms, and other meat producers have been found guilty of harming animals and killing them inhumanely. This is something that clearly needs to change.
In 2000, 68 million dogs were owned in the United States. In 2017, a total of around 89.7 million dogs in the United States alone, lived in a household. As the years past more and more people are adopting dogs. Some of those owners are new to having a pet and should learn how to take care of them.
Transition your existing pet food product lines to capture market share and dominant market presence in the growing organic and natural pet food market. The primary business objective is to develop new markets in a stalling and business with decreasing profit margins by appealing to the products that appeal to the health and safety of pets and their owners. Our objective is to use your business’ existing strengths to emerge as the premier organic pet food brand and build a foundation for continued growth.
Introduction: Today I will persuading my audience the benefits of getting a dog as a pet. Dogs can offer companionship, protection and even improve your health. Sixty eight percent of U.S households own a pet according to the 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey calculated by American Pet Products Association (APPA), and majority of the pets owned are dogs, weighing in at sixty percent. Dogs are domesticated animals that consist of various breeds such as Yorkie Terriers, German shepherds and more. There are over three hundred breeds according to the World Canine organization. This organization is the largest registry of certified dog breeds. This canine organization recognizes three hundred and thirty nine breeds of dogs which are classified into ten groups based on the dog’s function or size. There are various unique breeds that can fit into one’s specific lifestyle, giving no excuse not to have a dog to compliment ones personality.
There are between 45 to 55 million dogs per household in America (American Humane Association 2012). Furthermore, according to a national survey, the majority of dog owners chose to get a dog for the companionship as the major reason for having a dog (American Animal Hospital Association, 2004). After all, dogs are nonjudgmental, give unconditional love, can be trusted with our most intimate feelings and emotions, and are highly intelligent. These dog characteristics can significantly enhance the lives of thousands of youth and adults, especially those with disabilities and/or those who live in continuing care facilities. There are approximately 20,000 service dogs in the U.S., which includes 10,000 guide dogs (American Humane Association 2012)