Brendon leaned on his friend Jon's car waiting for him after the game. Brendon saw the kids from the northwestern hockey team come back out. Brendon quickly kneeled behind the car as he saw the boy with the brown wavy locks that Brendon oh so badly wanted to touch so badly according Spencer smith.
"And where do you think your going?" Ryan grabbing Brendon's arm. The boys cheek had become blue from the game.
"To my car" bredon said. He looked at the corner to his eye to see Jon and his friends coming out of the school.
"Really sweetheart, don't say crap about me if you're just going to your car" Ryan crossed his arms over his chest.
"Awh, did little hockey player get hur-
"Bren! Let's go Spencer mom wants him home fast!" Jon exclaimed.
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They all dumped their things in Spencer's room.
"Ross is such a douche" Brendon sighed laying down on Spencer's bed. "He did a whole coast to coast right babe?" Spencer asked Jon. Jon nodded at Spencer in agreement.
"You know he's actually really nice Bren, think about it" Spencer spoke
"Think about what, is he the asshole I'm gonna go on a double date with on Saturday?" Brendon asked Spencer. Spencer being scared of Brendon (usually never happens) snuggled into Jon's chest. Brendon rolled his eyes
"I'll see you tomorrow guys, pick me up Jon?"
"Mhm" Jon hummed to Brendon not really paying attention Brendon more paying attention to Spencer's legs.
"You wanna fuck or what" Brendon heard Spencer say after closing the door. Brendon started walking home and say a familiar boy with shaggy curly hair.
"Spencer in?"
"Yeah, but I wouldn't dude him and Jon they're fucking"
"When are they aren't, I'm Ryan by the way, Ryan Ross so I never formally introduced myself" Ryan smiled at the boy.
"Brendon,Brendon Urie" Brendon smiled. Ryan smiled "you wanna come to my house?" Ryan asked.
"Don't think you're gonna get me that easy Ross" Brendon laughed at
"Sof," Dean said. "Stay in the car until we get back. Don't touch anything. Just stay there." Sam gave a roll of his eyes as his older brother walked away. Dean cared for that car as if it were his ow child.
Gilbert snuck back, a large grin on his face. “Thank God these kids understand. Says he knew exactly who I was talking about.”
“Ugh, here comes Jason again. I’ve already thanked the jackass a million times for his help. I guess he wants me to kiss his ass now.” She plastered on a fake smile.
“Well let me see if it's really nothing.” Adam said walking toward his boyfriend. “Don't resist, because it'll make things worse for you.”
“And how about the time when I wet the bed and was embarrassed? You dug out my old bedding and went and got me all new leaves and brush to lay on just so I wouldn’t feel bad.” said Spencer.
“I feel pretty good.” Zack replied, although he felt pretty nervous. Sal on the other hand, looked
“Who are you talking about?” Delta speaks up. Spencer peers around Walker, to view her.
“Quite a friend you got there.” Sabra teased. “They left and now you’re all alone, if you know something, I’d suggest you speak now.”
“Yeah, jump on in and if he says anything, then we can change it. No big deal,” Scarlett smiled.
He looked over towards the front door and grimaced. "You didn't tell me he was bringing more than just himself." He gave Alex a dirty look.
"Hey man," he pauses, and then,"Ryan Ross," his mouth tests out the name and he
“Wow.” that’s all Ethan was capable of blurting out of his mouth. Adam chuckled. “This might seem weird to you, but we are children of God.
“No,” he moaned, and turned his head to the side. It was the wrong side. He came face to face with Cal, whose smirk had returned. He turned his head before Cal could say anything and pretending he didn’t hear the trademark snort behind him. He closed his eyes and hoped that Lofty wasn’t smiling behind him too.
"Do you go to school here?" Ryan asks, looking around the room and them glancing at Brendons sketchbook. He takes note of the bland walls, the color of a hospital room and it always made him a bit nausous. Brendon nods politely. "Wow... that's so cool, what's it like?" He asks in one breathe.
Ryder cleared his throat, “Yeah, finished it a couple of weeks ago. You uh, ready to go get Star?” he asked. He seemed nervous probably just a nervous as I was.