The weeks went by slowly, as Breya’s condition became worse. Day by day she became weaker. They spent the last of their time together laying under the great pine, the sweet aroma and children’s laughter comforted the girls. Before long, Breya became too weak to walk, she had to stay home and rest. As her time grew shorter she could feel the life force being drained from her body; stealing every last bit of the little energy that was left. Her head had become so bare that she wore a beanie all the time, embarrassed her shiny scalp.
The chemo and radiation therapy hardly seemed worth the pain. She was sick all the time, spewing back up what little food she could force down. She didn’t like needle let alone ones that were shooting her full of
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She was one with the machines, all the tubes and wires running from her to the monitors. Wanting to let go, she knew she couldn’t leave just yet. She couldn’t leave her mother behind, yet she wouldn’t bare to make her mother suffer watching her by the bed day and night. It wasn’t healthy to sit here like that, if she wasn’t crying she was sleeping; exhausted from the countless hours of watching over her daughter. Breya pretended to sleep most of the time, it was too much to see the pain in her mother’s eyes, wanting her to leave and continue her life for the sake of living. Unable to form the words to make her go and not sure she could cope with being alone anyway, she let her mother stay for the sake of both their …show more content…
With every word she blinked back tears, heartbroken that this is how it ends. Putting on a hard face for her loved ones, Breya never shed a tear in front of her mother or Mabel. She had to be strong for them, show them there was nothing to fear. She did cry though, every time she was alone; she wailed and wept into her pillow. The fabric stained with the tears fallen for her mother, her life, and all that surrounded her. Scared of dying, she feared the afterlife; the unknown that she would be submitted to by force once her soul fled her body under her last breath. Worried for her mother, what would happen to her; would she leave her father, or fall into depression. The thought of her mother’s sorrow raised a heated feeling in Breya’s heart, she didn’t deserve for her life to crumble into pieces and watch her daughter slowly die. Having no clue what Mabel would do without her; would she be strong enough to go on, or perish in anguish all alone in the
After walking in on his sub cheating on him with the security guard, Taden McIntire had decided it was time to make a change. He wanted to have a life where he didn’t hate himself at the end of the day like he did working on Wall Street. Reading an advertisement for new entrepreneurs in the small southern town of Cedar Falls, Taden decided to roll the dice and move.
The Narrator feels suffering is something we cannot control and is ridiculous to cry over as she
She said that she started to notice the pain around the age of nine and in the begging of the book she describes the pain as “… deep and untouchable because the pain was genuinely unanticipated.” It wasn’t until an accident while playing a sport that the cancer was addressed. From that point on she would go through an endless array of depressing hospitals and shady doctors. She would talk about the way doctors shunned away her mother’s questions for more information and how they would downplay her condition as “nothing”. She would withstand a series of facial surgeries and chemotherapy which led to the removal of part of her jaw.
Her whole world was crashing down. It what seemed like only a split second, her best friend’s father had been condemned to death. Someone who she considered to be like a father was going to be taken away, ripped away from her.
The igniting spark between himself and Camila did not dwindle, everlasting and perpetual; a conundrum yet to unfold.
First of all I was in my dark room with the only light being my t.v, I playing Xbox with my friend Skylar, we were playing Rainbow Six Siege a counter terrorism shooter. It was a late on a dark, stormy night, it was bomb objective and only I was left on the team to face five other enemies defusing the bomb and I slowly and stealthy with his silenced pistol picked off about two enemies outside the objective roaming and then pulled out his primary the 416-C Assault Rifle and went in blazing in the objective and his heart was racing he picked off another two enemies and that’s when he began guarding the defuser waiting to find the last enemy. “Can you search cams Skylar?” I asked Skylar.
The audience was shown how a little girls best friend was brutally taken away from her and how she dealt with the grief of his death. “Idgie’s close relationship with her older brother, Buddy, is cut short when he is hit by a train and killed. Devastated by his death, she recedes from formal society for much of her childhood”. Idgie was mourning her brothers death for most of her life, she learned from a small age that no one can escape oblivion. Southern gothic literature has a way of showing that the world is not always as easy as it looks and no matter how good life may seem it can switch up at any given moment.
Her brother had passed away in his sleep. She had to contain her emotions and not cry. Liesel and her mother had to wait on the train for two more stops till they could properly give the young boy a burial. Many things were going on in her head until she found the grave diggers hand book. Another form of survival that she had gone through was a mix of both physical and psychological survival.
Over the span of four months, each week I would regularly meet with a former colleague of mine by the name of Terrion Austin. Terrion recently moved from Nebraska to Tennessee, due to his job opening that presented itself that would allow for him to be closer to both him and his wife’s family. Terrion reached out to me over the summer, due to the fact that he was extremely unsure in his faith. He felt that whenever he read the bible he was never felt satisfied once done reading. This frustrated him tremendously. In addition to his frustration, Terrion was often confronted by members from his job that would frequently ask him questions that he did not feel he could answer. Moreover, his inability to answer did not come from a lack of knowing the bible; however, it was quite the opposite. Terrion, like most young Christian, grew up
When she died five years after first symptoms ,the cancer had spread throughout her body over those five years. My mother was very depressed
Bailey James Kummet entered my life at the age of eleven. I had met him through a friend, she had forgotten his number and begged me to message him for her later on in the afternoon, I did her the favor expecting that to be the end of it. I would have never thought that this random boy would become such a major part of my life.
"Junior year is the year you find out who you really are." That's what I have heard from previous juniors in my two years of high school. I had started to believe they were right but didn't want to settle with it until it happened to me. I have been friends with Ally since we were pre-school age. We had briefly lost touch for the past few years but began to reconnect once we had more classes together. After her first day of softball practice, Ally came to me and said, "Kelsey, the new girl on the softball team, is just so annoying. Like, I can't stand her."
First it Anastasia went. Her big skinny foot was, well just that. It was to long it fit into the delicate glass slipper. Now it was time for Drizella. Her foot didn’t have the length problem like Anastasia had but she had a different problem, her feet were too fat. She could barely fit her toe in the shoe. Nevermind her foot. But she wasn't going to give up she was determined to fit her foot in no matter what it took. She went so far that the glass slipper shattered into a million pieces. There was glass everywhere. “That’s not far it shattered before I could get my foot in. “ Drizella whined. The prince knew better. He said his goodbyes ands left. With all the drama I didn’t even realize Ella was nowhere to be found. I had floated up to
I kept running I never looked back at what just happened. I can’t believe I did that. Other than regret, nothing went through my mind, but that I need to run and get to Brehamore in three days or I will miss my interview for my job. I just kept running, not paying attention to the sirens, the cars, and yelling behind me. To get to Brehamore now that I missed the bus, the only way is to catch the train that stops at the crossing right behind the woods.
A scream bubbled up inside her as strong hand grasped her mouth, muffling any chance for help. His hot breath tickled her cheek as they disappeared into the woods just outside of town. Her eyes scanned in every direction, trying to find an escape, but his large body was all around her, enveloping her like the fog that was rolling in in an ungodly manner. It blanketed the forest like a mother tucking her children in at night. The little life that Evangeline lived flashed before her eyes, most of it spent with Lila. Without much hope of survival left, she thought of the only thing she could do. A swift kick to the shin sent him hobbling in the opposite direction after dropping Evangeline to the ground. She sat in a heap covered in mud and wet leaves, staring up at her attacker who was hopping on one leg favoring his injured