Brianne Worman was the elementary teacher who led the discussion group I participated in and I could not have asked for anyone better. She provided many tips for managing a classroom, how to deal with different behavioral issues, and gave us advice on what to do now and when we begin our job search. No matter how much information she continued to give us, she stressed three main pieces of advice; get as much experience as possible in the classroom while in college, go to class everyday, and make yourself as marketable as possible. Ms. Worman told us her most important piece of advice for college students pursing careers in the education field is to get as much experience inside the classroom as you possibly can before entering your own classroom.
I believe classroom management is extremely significant for teachers and effective teachers know how to manage the classroom while helping students to behave appropriately. In order to be an effective ESL teacher, I will use demonstrating expectations, creating a safe learning environment, building a positive relationship, redirecting inappropriate behavior, and motivating in managing my future classroom.
Meet Jason White, a teacher that is loved by all of his students. Mr.White got the students engaged in things that most 12/13 year olds would find boring. Showing the students videos, playing games and doing group projects is what young adults want to do. If he is teaching about something he would do games that also relate to sports, music and of course the subject he teaches Social Studies. Everyday kids would look forward to his class, they also learned a lot. Making your students engaged and doing things that make them relate to the topic will make them succeed. In 7th grade (the grade he teaches), students had to take the constitution test. The constitution test is hard and very important. Students needed to know the concept in a short time. Mr.White knows his students well and knows how to make them succeed, therefore he used games, videos and songs to help his kids remember. This shows that he is amazing teacher. Unlike Ms.Murrow he gets his students engaged and want to learn. He is loved by everyone and this is what makes him the best teacher.
My classroom philosophy begins with what type of teacher I will be in my classroom. To have successful classroom management, one must be an effective teacher. Some qualities that make an effective teacher include maintaining high expectations, being consistent, and caring. As a teacher, it is important to have high expectations for your students academically, but also behaviorally. In my classroom, I will uphold the traits and characteristics that I want to see in my students, through my own actions and words. Another quality that I will instill in my classroom and myself is consistency. In my classroom, I will be consistent in my classroom management. I will not favor a student and let them get away with something, and I will not be overly harsh on a student who is having a bad day or week. One of the most important qualities in an effective teacher is their ability to care for their students. In order to have successful classroom management, I must build relationships with my students. The more that my students know that I care for them and want to help them,
The most important factor affecting student learning is the teacher. If the teacher is ineffective, students will achieve inadequate progress academically. Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. If students are disorderly and disrespectful, with no apparent rules and procedures to guide behavior, chaos becomes the norm. Teachers struggle to teach, and students will learn much less than they should.
Teachers are not only expected to teach their students, but also provide an environment where everyone feels safe and can learn. Classroom management is a very important part of teaching. Students cannot learn in an unsafe, disruptive environment. This paper will discuss the strategy of SHAPING, how it is used to modify a student’s behavior, and give an example of how to modify a student’s behavior. This paper will also discuss my personal beliefs about classroom management, share rules and expectations for the classroom, rewards for individuals and the class, designing the classroom where the teacher is visible and there are no distractions, and discuss some classroom procedures and how they contribute to classroom management
Since the day weed was discovered, it has been used more times than not, recreationally. A wide variety of successful people have used marijuana, including presidents like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, actors such as Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston, talk show hosts including Oprah Winfrey and Stephen Colbert, and even athletes like Lebron James and Michael Phelps(Reilly, Huffington Post). It is estimated that about thirty million Americans have used marijuana(Ossola, Popsci). The current drug laws on marijuana are hurting Americans more than helping them, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana would benefit the United States in more ways than one.
In previous years, at my high school, we were given the opportunity to be present in an elementary school classroom. For an hour each day, a group of us would ride to the elementary school to help out teachers that needed an extra hand in regards to maintaining their classroom, and allowing them focus more on their lessons instead of housekeeping responsibilities. Being surrounded by elementary age students for these few years really helped me develop deep love and passion for teaching young children. Life set me on a different career path as I attended Georgia Tech last year in pursue of a Business Degree. Throughout the year, as I sat in my business classes, doing my best to pay attention, but I could just tell that my heart was not into all that the business world had to offer. All along, I knew that my heart belonged in the classroom, and after careful consideration, I decided to transfer to the University of North Georgia at Dahlonega. Education 2130, was the first education class I had the opportunity to take, and it required 20 hours of field experience. My first collegiate field experience was nothing short of enlightening, and allowed me to immerse and expand my knowledge in the education world.
For the last 19 years I have taught in many different grade levels, different curriculum and many different types of students. The one thing that was always the same was the importance of having good classroom management with every class that I have taught.
In today’s educational field I plan to apply my knowledge of everything that I have learned at Georgia State University. In my time at Georgia State, I have developed a way of teaching that is equally focused—as much as possible—on children, faculty and staff, up and coming curriculum, classroom management skills, and continued learning and educational growth. I will expand upon each of these focuses throughout this paper.
I believe that classroom management is the very essence of effective and skilled teaching. It is imperative that as a future educator, I have sound understandings of the impact that child development and growth can have on classroom management, as no one child is the same. Drawing on theorist Jean Piaget’s four stages of development; thinking abilities, reasoning, logic and articulation, all develop at different times during a child’s growth and maturation (McDevitt & Ormond, 2010, p. 198). This influences greatly on a child’s reactions, concentration levels, memory skills, verbalisation, self-control and self-regulation (Blake & Pope, 2008, p. 60). I will strive to foster individual abilities,
While in Sheridan I managed to see a variety of different classroom management techniques used in my mentor teachers classroom. Classroom management is something that requires teachers to set the foundation to how the classroom runs, and my mentor did a good job of implementing multiply classroom management techniques into her classroom.
My philosophy of classroom management is to allow students to be responsible for their own behavior at all times. I believe allowing students to be responsible for their behavior and actions allow them to have a sense of freedom. When students have freedom, they seem to be more successful and respectful. Classroom management is more successful when the class is student-centered. Students should be included in the planning of classroom rules, room arrangement, and communication should flow smoothly between teacher and student. Although the class is student-centered the teacher should be in control of the classroom. The teacher should know what is going on at all times, plan interesting and informative lessons, and be
I have been a teacher for over 16 years and have taught various grade levels. I pride myself in creating a classroom that is engaging, exciting, and a place that students enjoy to come and learn. I have much experience working with students of various levels and abilities. I create an environment that is place where students can succeed and feel confident about their learning experience. To create a successful classroom, I have enlisted the help, and ideas from other faculty and staff members. I have been on teams to help other teachers make accommodations for students. I have excellent communication skills that has served me well in maintaining good communication with families and other staff members.
As a future educator, it is extremely important to prepare for what is in store for each year. Every single class is different, and will bring something different to the table based on the different students in each class. It is extremely important to have a classroom management plan for a group of diverse learners for several reasons. From reading Wong’s book First Days of School, How to be an effective teacher, he states that after doing research in a study reviewing 11,000 pieces of research that spanned 50 years, three researchers determined that there are 28 factors that influence student learning, and the number one factor is classroom management. This is very clear that research backs up how important classroom management is. It is what allows teachers to be effective teachers for their students and are able to keep the students on track. Classroom management also offers organization in the classroom. It refers to all of the things a teacher does to organize students, space, time and materials so that learning can take place (Wong 1998). Without classroom management the entire class would be out of control and very little to no learning would take place.
Throughout the course of this semester, my abilities in certain areas increased quite a bit. One major area that I feel I gained a lot of knowledge in is classroom management. The classroom management course I am in gave me so much useful information as to how to respond to students, maintain control of the classroom, and prepare myself for the beginning of the year. I still don’t feel completely confident in this area because I am missing the practice piece. However, I feel that I have the knowledge I need to prepare me for situations in the classroom. I also feel more prepared to work with diverse populations after my field experience in an ELL classroom this semester.