
Bricklab Famous Architecture

Decent Essays

BrickLAB Famous Architecture Around the World (NEW) $875.00
Enter the world of elegant structures as students explore basic architectural elements around the globe. In order to understand the basics of design, this camp takes students through the history of architecture as an integral success of societies. From Greek temples to Egyptian pyramids, study the famous structural finesse and long lasting qualities of the world’s most important formations. By studying architectural terminology as new concepts are introduced, students also work to reinforce their technical vocabulary skills. In BrickLAB Famous Architecture Around the World, learn about why architecture continues to grow and develop, not only as a science but as an art-form with this unique exploration of construction engineering!

Traveling Artist Camp (NEW) $875.00
From building Matroshka dolls in Russian workshops to crafting Aztec masks in the heart of Mexico, Traveling Artist Camp gives students a hands-on experience with the artistic traditions of the different regions of the world. Every lesson creates opportunities to get creative by exploring the STEM processes that make each type of art possible, such as the water tension involved in Japanese suminagashi paper or the golden ration incorporated in Peruvian blanket weaving. To develop …show more content…

They’re claymation characters who have spent their lives captivating the world with the magical realities they bring to life! Every lesson in Claymation Camp, students tap into the incredible practice of stop-motion film production, learning about the practice from the ground up. Containing everything students need to create their own movies, top-quality clay, fun-to-use software, adorable cameras and amazing curriculum make filmmaking a breeze. With a little bit of creativity and movie-making magic, Claymation Camp is sure to win awards with your

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