
Bridge Of Spies Cold War

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A movie based on events in the Cold War is Bridge of Spies. The Cold War was a war between the US and the Soviet Union, where they were fighting about who was the better country. James Donovan a lawyer of the Russian spy Rudolf Abel, as the lawyer tries to give the spy his rights, an American spy Francis Gary gets captured by the Russians, which causes a trade of prisoners on the crossing point between East and West Berlin on a bridge. Although they bear any superficial similarities, the differences between the Cold War and the Bridge of Spies are remarkable.
In the movie Bridge of Spies took place in the Cold War, and based off a true event. The film Bridge of Spies, a spy exchange took place in the Cold War. "It stars Tom Hanks as attorney James Donovan, a man who was the lawyer of the Russian spy, then agreed to his swap for an American pilot held by the Soviet Union."(Cold War) The pilot was captured by the Soviet Union because he was taking pictures over the Soviet with …show more content…

As the movie is two hours and twenty-two minutes as the war took about a few months. Unlike the movie a few of the spies were not exchange and never drawn back to go home, or a few never lived to be free and minority time that meant they were killed. The movie Bridge of Spies does not show the real effect of the Berlin Wall caused.
Bridge of Spies based on events in the Cold War. The Cold War was a war between the US and the Soviet Union, where they were fighting about who was the better country and what was better Communists and Capitalists. A lawyer of the Russian spy, as the lawyer tries to give the spy his American prisoner rights, an American spy gets captured by the Russians, which causes a trade of prisoners on the crossing point between East and West Berlin on a bridge. Similarity and differences between the Cold War and the Bridge of Spies are

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