
Bridges Out Of Poverty Essay

Decent Essays

The presentation about poverty at CCNC was very informational and interesting. Before this presentation I was not aware of what Bridges out of Poverty was. I come from a pretty well off middle class family and poverty is not something that comes to mind on a daily basis. So it was helpful to become more educated about the community and things you don’t always see. Bridges out of poverty’s mission is to reduce the poverty, strengthening the workforce, and help build a more sustainable community. Learning about the different approaches to help poverty levels and how prevalent it is was an eye opening experience for me. To learn that federal poverty is in the $15,000 was kind of shocking to me because in a year I can make close to with a side …show more content…

This includes the lack of transportation, health services, grocery stores, child-care, a job, housing, and even safety. That goes along with the evidence-based objective of assume roles and functions of community health nurse. It is a community health nurse to help those in poverty with financial, emotional, mental, spiritual, & physical needs. Along with providing support systems, relationships/role models, and have knowledge of hidden rules. That is important because one needs to bring resources before one can build the resources. It is also important to know that there is generational and situational poverty. Generational poverty means that there is a long line and history of poverty in a household, where as situational is when someone loses a job or something happens all of a sudden to cause them to go into poverty. The community nurse needs to be able to put biased feelings/thoughts to the side in order to figure out what the priorities are for those in poverty. Overall, I had a great experience and feel that it is something that more people should experience to not only learn on how to help the community’s poverty but to also be informed about how serious poverty really

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