Bridging Access to Care (BAC) formally known as Brooklyn Aids Task Force (BATF) was created twenty seven years ago, to help individuals and their families who are infected and affected with HIV/AIDS (Bridging Access to Care). This organization is non-profit, and is located in the borough of Brooklyn county of King, and state of New York, with three sub agencies of staff working together helping clients’ access services, throughout the different departments, by referring in house for service delivery to clients (Bridging Access to Care). Additionally, BAC uses outside referral resources and other health facilities to provide treatment and services for clients depending on the level of care needed, and the agency has established linkage agreement
Consent item IV.C Joint Commission Required Review of “FY13 Hospital Provision of Care” removed from the consent agenda for discussion.
1. Home Healthcare Case: Given what you have learned about the accessibility and financing of home care services, are such services as readily available to other consumers as they were to Joan and Jerry? In this particular case regarding Joan and Jerry, and the availability of home health care services compared to that of others is a quite simple. Lack of knowledge and understanding is of the utmost detrimental in medical terms due to the fact that there are many programs that are available to help those with disabilities or home bound. In this case, perhaps Joan and Jerry 's daughter should have been more involved with the medical needs of both her parents. Especially due to the age of her father who was in desperate attempt to keep his disabled wife comfortable in their home. Home health care services are readily available to covered members of Medicare/Medicaid or other third-party payers. Although in Joan 's later days of life, her medical needs were being attended to by home health care professionals, perhaps her life could have been extended and foreseen medical conditions that could have prevented another stroke. "Being an informal caregiver plays a huge role in providing care and relief to long-term consumers (Pratt, 2010)." If Jerry would have taken advantage of home health care and it 's available services at an earlier stage, then perhaps he would not have to have had a hip replacement by having more rest to take care of himself. "As with other forms of long-term
Based on what we have learned thus far with regard to ethics, regulations, and federal mandates, what are the challenges faced by healthcare executives and direct care providers such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and healthcare organizations in general.
Write a brief description of your project that starts by stating your clinical question and succinctly explaining your planned intervention in order to orient everyone.
Most patients who come into hospitals have either one or more illnesses that need caring and treating. These are the people who have complex health care needs. The Department of health (DH) (2015) defines complex health care needs as physical or mental health impairment that has a potential or affects an individual to conduct their daily activities. This assignment will critically analyse the care given to a patient with complex health care needs. The aspects to be focused on are pain and breathlessness due to swollen neck. The approach to the patient care will be analysed and the effectiveness of the care pathway to deliver care to the patient will be critically analysed. The roles of the Multidisciplinary team (MDT) involved in the care will
Health Information Exchange (HIE) has become a major component in today’s healthcare. Health information exchange provides a secure way for providers to appropriately access and electronically share a patient’s medical information. Therefore, reducing duplicate testing, minimizing medication errors and providing a link among electronic health records (EHR) in order to provide quality healthcare.
Bridging Access to Care (BAC) is a nonprofit multi service community based organization. BAC providers comprehensive clinical treatment, evidence-based prevention education, harm reduction, care coordination and mental health services in a trauma informed/sensitive environment for individuals within at-risk community in New York City. BAC as four locations in Brooklyn two in Flatbush, one in Williamsburg and one in Crown Heights.
An integrated care pathway is a structured multidisciplinary synopsis of anticipated care, placed within a set timeline, to aid a patient with a specific condition or set of symptoms to move progressively through a clinical experience to positive outcomes, It is one of the main tools used to manage the quality in healthcare concerning the standardisation of care processes and therefore promotes organised and efficient patient care based on evidence based practice. (British Medical Journal, 1998). In this essay I aim to justify a patient pathway of care with reference to national and local agendas. I will analyse the assessment strategies utilised in the pathway from a bio-psycho-social perspective with reference to contemporary evidence and provide examples from clinical practice where assessment of the patient of the pathway impacts upon the care planning process.
Carefirst not only have long term care services and home care services, there also is a community centre that have many kinds of activities to provide for the senior people. The agency continues widen scope of services centre, including a personal care plan, health treatment, nutritionist Information, physical treatment, eye health and diabetes education and so on. By working closely with other service departments with Carefirst to ensure provide a safe and health services that have a complete service for seniors. In 2015, Carefirst moved to the new place that to invite more newcomers and expands the service centre to provide integrated care. The agency not only service with Chinese seniors, but also service from different culture backgrounds,
The NY/NJ AETC's mission is to assist health care professionals, through education and training, to provide optimum quality services and sensitive care to HIV positive persons, and to provide access to current research and treatment of HIV/AIDS. We serve the New York and New Jersey healthcare community by providing AIDS and HIV education and training to treat, manage, diagnose, or counsel individuals with HIV infection or to help prevent high risk behaviors that lead to HIV
Over the past 8 years, healthcare has been a major topic of debate. President and governmental elections, school systems and districts, local communities, and even cartoons have centered their focus on what seems to be one of the US’s major dilemmas: Healthcare. While our country has vast resources and often leads the world in advanced technology, healthcare and its access remains something we have yet mastered (Collaboration Health Care, 2015). As defined by WHO, the World Health Organization (2015), healthcare promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. While the concept of health promotion, its accessibility, and its maintenance are easy to understand, sometimes things easily understood aren’t as easily implemented into the general populations and their lifestyles. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles standing between the general population and complete access to healthcare. Some of the major hurdles include:
Mission. The goal of this proposal is to improve health outcomes for consumers. Merging the mental health services sector within the same facility as the rest of the agency will demonstrate what elements of this new model will be effective and what factors still need to be addressed. The creation of this new system will solely be based on evidence-based practices. Creating a communal health care setting will make different silos of care more accessible for consumers, and different aspects of wellness will be highlighted so that a more holistic view of the consumer’s risk factors and overall well being can be depicted. This model emphasizes the concept of self-determination and the person-centered approach, because
A simple triangle contains three straight lines connecting at three separate points. If these points are represented by people, one can imagine how three people sitting around a table engaged in conversation creates “triangular communication.” Prior to the introduction of electronic health records (EHRs), communication between a patient and doctor during a typical clinic office visit involved plenty of face time and eye contact. The geometry of communication was linear- two points (doctor and patient) connected by one direct line. Today, however, modern day healthcare delivery often requires a third, albeit non-human, entity at the point of care- the EHR represented by the presence of the provider’s tablet, laptop,
In this report I will be investigating how care services meet the needs of individuals by firstly analysing the needs of an individual using care services. Then I will go on to explain the roles of the care planning process in identifying needs, and explain the features of a positive care practise. After explaining that, I will analysis positive care environments and evaluate how they meet needs before finally explaining the role of legislation in promoting a positive care environment.
Initiatives of various institutions were launched to combat a global health issue in human history. Founded in 2002, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) was established to serve millions of people in getting access to CHAI-negotiated antiretroviral (ARV) treatment. CHAI collaborated with governments and other partners to lower the costs of the treatment and to build the in-country systems, which are essential in providing lifesaving treatments to millions of people living with HIV/AIDS (Clinton Foundation, n.d.). Moreover, the Coca-Cola Company, a public company, conducted HIV/AIDS initiatives and worked with local health officials and experts to educate the communities about HIV/AIDS. The “Dance4Life” movement was established in 2006