
Brief Mediation Exercise

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You will need two people to complete this exercise. You will be attempting to tell each other a specific story via telepathy. To complete this exercise, you will need a partner. You will each take turns as “receiver” and as “sender”. After a brief mediation, you may begin the exercise. To begin, you both will sit and stare at each other; focusing only on your partner’s neck area. The receiver will begin by clearing his/her mind; allowing him or herself to be open to input from the sender, and then waits for the input to be received. As the receiver, you will be taking notes of all things you receive from the sender and any impressions you are getting. The goal is to pay attention to how impressions “feel” when they are correct or incorrect. …show more content…

It is the senders job to focus all of their energy on that event, recalling every detail, images, the sounds around them, the smells, any emotions connected with the event; allowing the full experience to fill the sender completely. The event can be anything; a birthday, building sandcastles, riding a bike, etc. Once the sender has transmitted the event for approximately 3-5 minutes, continually repeating the events, then the sender will state “I’m done.” Upon the sender’s completion, the receiver will then describe what they saw; the sender must sit quietly and listen. After the receiver is finished describing what they perceived, the sender will then disclose the what the event actually was. At this point, you switch roles and repeat the exercise several times, to practice the connecting and exchanging of information with their

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