
Brief Summary: Youth Hunt

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A look back at the year 2015 JANUARY — Duck season ended on a positive note after a lackluster early season. January proved good and my highlight was shooting with my son Bill at the Santa Cruz Club where limits were the rule. Dan Perkins Jr., caught and released a 12-pound two ounce Bass at Melones.

FEBRUARY — The annual Youth Hunts took place throughout the state and young hunters under 16 had lots of shooting in both clubs and refuges. Colton Vines, of Sonora, had a good shoot at the Hollister Club with Chuck Hewitt.

MARCH — The Mother Lode Gun Club hosted a CYSSA event which drew 24 teams of shooters …show more content…

The Phil Johnson Memorial Kokanee Derby was held at Don Pedro drawing 100 participants.

JULY — The Tuolumne County Trap Championships took place at the Mother Lode Gun Club with shooters in various age groups competing. Campers at Pinecrest were finding lots of trout thanks to the Hatchery plants and streams along the Highway 108 corridor are also good.

AUGUST — Danny and Joanne Layne, of Twain Harte, had a great trip to Sitka, Alaska for big salmon, halibut, and lingcod. Steve Carter, of Sonora, landed a huge 8.5-pound rainbow at Kennedy Meadows.

SEPTEMBER — Dove season opened on the 1st. Bob King, of Sonora, made his annual trip to Alaska to fish the Little Su River for silver salmon with family members who reside there. The Fishing Tackle and Decoy Show at the fairgrounds was a success, thanks to organizer Bert Kronnick. Deer season opened in the D-6 zone.

OCTOBER — The Waterfall season opened, first in the northeastern zone where water was low, and later in the Balance of State zone. The opening day was good as usual and then things slowed due to drought conditions and closed

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