I support the Bring Your Dog to Work program, and will introduce a new idea to evolve with the animal-loving group known as "millenials." As we look at our landscape, we notice more office buildings, and more high rise apartment complexes being built to house the technology industry's employees; in areas such as San Francisco, CA. These young residents are here for many reasons, one is to be in the center of technological advancement and to persue the american dream of innovation. And there are some very important friends along with them on their journey, dogs. In the millenial age group, it is becoming more popular to own a dog versus having a child and/or family, and to focus on career or personal growth. So humans adopt a dog. On a personal
I, along with the author of, "Against Bringing Dogs to Work," believe that dogs should not be allowed in the workplace because they can be a distraction or harm other employees or property.
I'm very surprised on this idea about bringing pets to work. Office is a place where we are supposed to be focus on work we are allow to accomplish so bringing pets in my opinion is one kind of distractions.
Bringing your dog to work is wonderful. It makes you feel so relax and who doesn't like to feel relaxed. Researchers have found that when pet owners bring their dog to work, they feel less stressed out and feel less anxiety. Feeling more relaxed at work provides a better work enviorment. And having a better work enviorment increases the amount of work being done. Also, having your dog at work makes you more productive than not having your pet at work. When you have your dog at work you feel more at
I believe letting your employees bring their dogs to work is a great way to boost their motivation and work ethic.
According to the article, Tony Treanor, NCSS’s director of Human Resources was granted the opportunity of putting in place a new policy on dogs in the workplace. With
For example, the person that supports it says that pet owners that have alot of stress and anxiety can feel less of that, when their dog is with them.One wouldn't mind working later hours if they had their dog with them. This person believes that the workplace will increase with satisfaction and productivity having their dog with them. When emloyees are happy there are higher job satisfaction.
The goals and desired outcomes of the Facebook “Dogs In The Workplace Agreement” is to develop a comprehensive pet policy that leaves no room for interpretation on rules and regulations. Creating a less stressful work environment by boosting employee morale can create a win-win situation for both dog-lovers and non-pet owners. Allowing dogs in the workplace will provide employees with many business-enhancing benefits, which include emotional support, improved morale, reduced stress levels, enhanced job performance and productivity, promotes teamwork and greater employee satisfaction (American Humane Association). Dr. Becker from the Mercola Healthy Pets, states that research shows how interacting with pets can lower stress levels, and boost
I totally appreciate the idea,but I dont think the Bring Your Dog to Work program is what is office needs at this time.
Historically dogs have served many purposes for humans. They have been used for hunting rodents, disposing of pesky rodents, fighting wars, protecting people as well as valuables, and tending to livestock (Staats et al, 2008). In today’s American society, dogs have become a first option to serve as companions and new additions to families. However, that is not the only purpose that canines serve. Dogs can also be of assistance to people with disabilities, military and police services, and therapeutic practices as well as a companion. To accommodate to the growing demand for pet or service dogs, it has become increasingly easier to buy or adopt them. There are now many options of how to obtain a dog. There are options such as breeders, Petland,
June 15, 2016, I had finally understood the importance that dogs had on humans. Walking into Rescue Village on that beautiful Summer day, my heart was racing because I knew it was the day I could adopt my first rescue dog. This day made my life completely different from that point forward. I chose to adopt a dog and to care for her and I was now not only responsible for myself but for a helpless dog. According to the Animal Welfare Institute, I am not the only one who chose to take on the responsibility of a dog, “Sixty-two percent of all U.S. households – more than 72.9 million total – include one more companion animals” (Companion Animal). A companion animal is defined as, “… our best friends, confidents, and help make the family complete”
One of the most amazing things in the United States is the love of Americans towards dogs. According to the 2015-2016 APPA Survey, there were 54.5 million households that own at least one dog, and the estimated number of pet dogs was 77.8 million. Of all pet owners, 66.7% consider their dog to be a family member; whereas, the rest consider their dog to be their pet or companion. Raising a dog seems to be an easy task, but is it indeed? Although humans love their dogs, many end up relinquishing them because they develop various behavior issues. According to the ASPCA, every year approximatively three million dogs enter into the animal shelters across the United States, and about half of them are surrendered by their own owners, of which 65%
Deciding whether or not I should agree with dogs being allowed in our work place was very tricky for me. I appreciate your desire to make sure every employee feels comfortable and stress-free at work. Also, I adore dogs and would love to able to have my furry-friend alongside me all day long. However, after looking at the pro's and con's, I'd have to say I do not agree with this idea.
Dog walking gives me the responsibility of earning money and meeting the needs of the dogs and my need for exercise. Researchers found that out of 453 children, only 15 percent of those kids were getting the recommended amount of exercising, which is 60 minutes a day. Additionally, researchers found that one in four american teens have a summer job and that the unemployed teens spent all their time either playing video games or on social media. Having a job can give me exercise, money and teach me responsibility to care for others. Who wouldn’t
First of all, if employees were allowed to bring their dog to work, not a lot of work would be done. The owner would be too distracted to do their work due to having to keep an eye on their dog. Which could disrupt them from working. Also, every dog that would come in would all be very different from one another. For example, one dog could be professionally trained and well behaved while others could be the total opposite. Next, I'm going to give you an example of a dog that isn't well behaved.
All across the world, people have dogs as pets. From people living in a high-rise apartment in a large city or people living in a cabin in the middle of the woods, dogs have seemed to make their ways into the homes of all demographics of people. The question remains then, “why?” Why do people volunteer time and money to care for an animal who doesn’t make any money and is unable to care for themselves? Despite all these factors, millions of people around the globe take pets into their homes and adopt them into their families, a trend that has occurred for thousands of years. Dogs serve many purposes and provide many reasons for people to form a bond with them, some reasons are not even fully understood. There are several factors that explain why people own dogs and reasons that this beneficial relationship has continued to this day: the physical behaviors and characteristics appease humans’ biological processes along the companionship that dogs offer (which is paralleled to family members), and the benefits that come with a positive relationship of that magnitude.