
Britain's Appeasement

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Appeasement is the act of making concessions to someone, usually an aggressor often at the sacrifice of principles in order to avoid a greater conflict such as war. Great Britain took many actions that were seen as appeasing Hitler in hopes of avoiding but inevitably only prolonging what would come to be World War II. Britain had ignored the rearmament of Germany, which went against the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, and even expedited the rearmament through the Anglo-German Naval Agreement. They also allowed Hitler to reoccupy the Rhineland which de novo violated the Treaty of Versailles, which had demilitarized that territory. Britain turned a blind eye when Germany used bomber planes in the Spanish Civil War and likewise allowed Hitler …show more content…

This emphasizes with sustenance that the policy of appeasement that Britain enacted from 1935-1939 was largely justified due to the understanding that Britain was not militarily or economically capable of deterring Germany, the belief that Adolf Hitler would uphold his promise to make no further territorial claims, and the responsibility to please the national public interest of the pacifist movement.
Appeasement was necessary action due to Britain's military and economic incompetence to be able to deter Germany from forcibly seizing European territory. The effects of the Great Depression influenced the Allies' military reluctance. Their resources were absorbed in the struggle to overcome economic problems. Germany was producing 20.4 million tons of steel while Britain was producing a mere 11.8 million tons of steel (Quenoy 1). Britain was in economic disarray due to the Depression and could not keep up with Germany in the production of wartime goods, if they had not chosen appeasement then they would have been at a disadvantage when the war begun. Dominions had provided more than a quarter of British troops in World War I, but they were unwilling to offer similar support to Britain during the Czechoslovak crisis of 1938 (Quenoy 1). The British army had very little amount of …show more content…

Germany was a nation who gained the empathy of many nations and peoples due to the harsh terms placed upon them after World war I. Adolf Hitler chose to exploit this sympathy in order to succeed in his goal of completing his Third Reich and thus create a world in which his perfect Aryan race would be able to thrive off of others. If Britain hadn’t chosen to appease Germany World War II would have come sooner and unavoidably cause even more death as Britain wouldn’t have been as prepared militarily or economically. The policy of appeasement that Britain enacted from 1935-1939 was largely justified due to the understanding that Britain was not militarily or economically capable of deterring Germany, the belief that Adolf Hitler would uphold his promise to make no further territorial claims, and the responsibility to please the national public interest of the pacifist

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