Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra is broken up into many sections. This allows someone with no prior experience listening to orchestras to understand the different instrumental sections. The piece begins with broad sections, continues with individual instruments, and ends demonstrating musical vocabulary. Each variation showcases different instruments ranging from the woodwinds to the percussion. The woodwind section consists of flutes, piccolos, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons. Woodwinds were traditionally made of wood, hence their name. These instruments can only produce one note at a time. Some woodwinds use a reed. The clarinet, saxophone, and bass clarinet are single-reed woodwinds. The oboe, English horn, bassoon, …show more content…
These instruments are played with a bow. The violin is the smallest of the family and has the highest range. The double bass is the largest and can produce the lowest tones of the family. Sound is produced on a string instrument by drawing the bow across the strings with the right hand. There are several techniques that determine the musical effect the piece will have. Pizzicato is a plucked string, vibrato is when the player rocks the left hand while pressing the string down, mute is when the musician muffles the tone, tremolo is quick up and down strokes, harmonies are high pitched tones, and plectrum is finger …show more content…
These instruments are struck by hand, mallets, sticks, or hammers. Some produce definite pitch and some produce indefinite pitch. The timpani, glockenspiel, xylophone, celesta, and chimes produce definite pitches. The snare drum, bass drum, tambourine, triangle, cymbals, and gong produce indefinite pitches. It is common for a percussionist to play several different instruments in a symphony orchestra or concert band. Variation number three features clarinets. Clarinets are single-reed instruments. Sound is produced by the vibrations of air in the tube. This instrument can produce a wide diversity of tone color and dynamics. Other instrument families played in this variation include the percussion. The double bass, sometimes called the bass, is played in variation number eight. The sound is produced when a bow is drawn across the strings. The strings can also be plucked by the musician’s fingers. A double bass is the largest of the string family and has the lowest range. Other instrument families in this variation include percussion and woodwind instruments. Variation number eleven showcases the trumpets. Sound is created when the musician blows in the cup-shaped mouth piece. The vibrations produced are amplified throughout the tube. The trumpet gives a brilliant, loud, and penetrating noise. It is often used in jazz and rock groups. Other instrument families played in this variation are
5. Musical Instruments and their instrument families: A viola, violin, cello, and bass are classified as string instruments. The flute, piccolo, clarinet, bass clarinet, oboe, bassoon, English oboe, and contrabassoon are classified as woodwind instruments. The trumpet, tuba, French horn, and trombone are classified as brass instruments. Percussion instruments include timpani, xylophone, chimes, triangle, cymbals, and the bass drum. Keyboard instruments include
Each one of these instruments complements Merengue Tipico in a way that no other instrument would. The tambora is a two-headed drum that is more used as a background instrument in Merengue Tipico. It originated in Africa and was brought to the Caribbean by the West African slaves that came to work plantation (Larson, 2017). Moreover, the guira is a percussion instrument that is played by rasping a metal stick against the rough surface of the instrument (Solano, 2017). Also, there is the saxophone, which is one of the last instruments that was added to the Merengue Tipico, and contributes to give a better rhythm to it. The other instrument that is essential in Merengue Tipico is the accordion. This is a musical instrument that has form of a box. It is held and played by pulling the sides apart and then pushing them together while pressing buttons and keys. However, the instruments in Bachata are completely different, except that the guira is also played in Bachata. The instruments used to play bachata are the lead guitar, the segunda guitar, the bass guitar, the bongos, and the güira (Marracco, 2014). The lead guitar, the segunda guitar and the bass guitar are essential to play Bachata. These instruments are the ones that make the most improvisation. Followed by the bongos, which are a pair of single-headed drums that are played with hands and fingers (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2017). Overall, Merengue Tipico and
There were four groupings: Strings (1st violins, 2d violins, violas, cellos, double basses), Woodwinds (2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons), Brass (2 French horns, 2 trumpets), and Percussion (2 timpani).
The double bass, or upright bass has many different names. My favorite is the doghouse bass. This bass is often used in jazz. People play this by plucking or slapping the bass. Another common use is in orchestras. People play this style with bows. This bass is the largest and lowest pitched instrument of the viol family. The viol family contain the viola, violin, fiddle, and many others. The upright bass was the inspiration of all basses. I was the first bass and probably most important because of the sparks it caused for new invention. All basses are in my opinion the most important instruments because they hold everyone together. Learning to play the bass was my pleasure and I feel its something I will use for the rest of my life.
The sound is produced when the instrument is blown into, thus making it a part of the wind family. The music style played on these instruments consist of Andean, Spanish and African descent. After years of culture mixing, it has created what is now the distinct style of Peruvian music there is
that acts as a bass drum and normally comes in three different sizes that vary in pitch. These instruments are the heart of the entire ensemble. The tambourine is also a membranophone
The instruments played are the piano, violin and double bass. The piano is normally in a mid-high range because at some parts it should be heard the most. The violin plays in the lower range but when it has the main melody, it gets played in the higher range to be heard more easily. The double bass has a low register and is just used to help create the harmony for the piece.
First they they cut logs to 3-4 feet long then they have to season the wood. To season the wood they either have to keep it in open air for several months or they dry it in a kiln. Then the logs are split and sawed to the correct lengths of the clarinet body pieces. The body pieces look like long rectangular blocks and pyramidal shapes for the barrel. These pieces are called billets. “When the manufacturer receives the billets, workers inspect the lot. Then skilled workers place the billets on a borer, which drills a hole lengthwise through the center of each piece.”(Clarinet). After they drill it, the wood then is shaped like a cylinder. Then they make the wood smooth and they season the wood again. When the wood is seasoned again they then cut it into the size of the actual clarinet. Then they paint it with black dye. On the plastic models, they make the body parts for the clarinet through injection molding. Then they melt plastic pellets and put them in the molds. Then they may have to fix it up a little unless it came out of the mold perfectly. The next step is boring the holes. They use different drill bits for this because not all the holes are the same size. Then they begin to construct the keys. They usually use casts for this step. When the keys are finished they have put the pads on them. Then they mount the keys on small posts and put them on the clarinet. They then put the final touches on the clarinet
Abraham Lincoln once said "Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man 's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes.” The prohibition of marijuana has proven to be a failure and a waste of resources. In addition, prohibition has hurt society more than it has helped. Also, marijuana can be used as a medicine to treat many life threatening illnesses. The legalization of marijuana will generate enormous tax revenue, reduce crime, and give sick patients a new effective medicine.
Some well known keyboard players include Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, and Debussy. A popular keyboard that is still used today is the organ. The organ ranges in size from a small closet to an entire church. An organ has from two to eight manuals that can have completely different sounds. Air is pushed through pipes to make the many sounds that can be played on a pipe organ. (Raeburn 11) he most known keyboard, the piano, was improved in this era from the harpsichord. The piano has eighty-eight keys with seven octaves plus a few keys. According to “Musical”, sound is made by hammers that strike the strings to vibrate them (“Musical”). The harpsichord was the precursor to the piano. Instead of hitting the strings, the harpsichord would pluck them to make a more metallic sound. The spinet was a small upright piano that is similar to the harpsichord. Another instrument is the virginal. Like the spinet, it is also similar to the harpsichord (“Elizabethan“). Keyboards were and still are the most known class of instrument. This era gave us variations and new keyboards to use and
String section and basso continuo central to the orchestra. Other instruments are occasional additions. Standard group of four sections: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. Different instruments treated individually.
Starting from one of the oldest drums in the world, the slit drum is an instrument originating from Africa that is made from a hollow piece of wood or carved from bamboo. They are typically made with three slits, (hence the name ‘slit drum’) each one producing a different tone. Like most drums, slit drums can be played using rubber mallet or with the tips of your finger tips. Unlike today, where we have telephones and social media to talk to one another long distantly, this instrument was once, and probably still is, used as a form of communication. For war cries, signaling, storytelling, and ceremonies.
Revolutions, we can safely say, are a historical constant. The human desire for change and the will to fight for one’s future have led to revolutions of varying size and scope since the earliest of ancient times. The 20th century too saw revolutions of all kinds. And yet, of the many revolutions that marked the past century of human history, very few had such effects and such impact as the Chinese Communist Revolution of 1949, or the War for Liberation, as many Chinese know it. Truly, the revolution of 1949 has dramatically changed the world, both in an economic and political context and beyond. It has forever changed not only China, but the very Chinese nation, and paved the way for her to become one of the giant global players of today. But scholars often challenge the communist nature of the revolution, stating that, while it was the communists who led it, the revolution itself was in many ways not
The saxophone is considered one of the easiest instruments to play. Even neophytes are able to make a noise on the saxophone (even if it is more of a squeak). To make sound on a brass instrument, such as the trumpet, one needs to purse his lips just right, which can be difficult for many people. Also, brass players have a more difficult time changing octaves (high and low notes) than reed players because they need to change their whole mouth position instead of pushing a single button. So although playing an instrument such as the saxophone may seem like
Bullying is defined as “verbal, physical, or psychological abuse or teasing accompanied by real or perceived imbalance of power” and is usually targets what children perceive as different (Olweus, 1993). Bullying is prevalent across the nation. It has devastating effects on students each day. Bullying is a problem for all students, regardless of race, gender or class. The National Education Association reports that 160,000 children are absent intentionally from school each day because they fear being bullied whether it is an attack or just intimidation by other students. This accounts for 15% of all school absenteeism (Hunter, 2012). Dan Olweus (1993) from the National School Safety Center tells us that bullying includes three parts: (1)