
Britten Voice Range

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As we discussed earlier, the voice ranges that Britten chooses in this particular opera is very interesting. Britten expanded the voice range in all voices in order to allow the listener to have a better understanding in characters. As Godsalve said “...four special things stand out in setting voices; the assignment of voice classes to roles, the use of recitative and aria, textual changes, and the combination of two or more voices...”1 (156). Britten is very aware of all these changes and make sure that all of these applies to his composition. For an example, by using counter-tenor in the music, it allows Britten to illustrate the difference between human and fairy. Since Oberon is a representation of non-mortal, it's very interesting to see …show more content…

It shows that in order to create power and difference between human and immortal, by using unique voice ranges allows Britten to explore the possibilities that no one else have ever tried. Furthermore, because Oberon's natural voice was higher, by using the counter-tenor it allows him to have a high voice sound quality which is best fit with the creature that have magical power. Furthermore, it also gives the audience an illusion that the characters have “magical” power and also abilities to create without any restrictions. On the other hand, because Tytania represent power and domination as a queen, by adding coloratura soprano to her roles it gives her power because as a singer, in order to have become a coloratura soprano, one must require to have high level of control over her demand, and have the confident to perform high virtuosity with an ease. Therefore, it can symbolize that Tytania also have the power and her role in this particular opera is with great demand and power on her

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