“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome”. Brooker T. Washington was born into slavery on April 5,1856 in Hale, Ford Virginia. Brooker T. Washington mother was a black plantation cook, while his father was a white man who he did not know. During the 19th century slaves were not able to receive the same rights as whites by going to school in gain an education. At age 9, Brooker T. Washington and other slaves in the south was set free due to the emancipation proclamation. After, analyzing “Up from Slavery” by Brooker T. Washington, one can argue that Washington advocate for blacks gaining an education to learn a trade to stay under white supremacy of labor.
Booker T. Washington’s philosophy of economic power through industrial education better suited the future of Black America because it addressed the masses at the time. Washington argued in his Atlanta Compromise Speech that the only way to advance the black community was to allow them to study industrial education and work a trade in order to make capital that would in turn allow them to buy themselves out of the situations they were put
On September 18, 1895, an African-American spokesman and leader Booker T. Washington spoke in the front of thousands of whites at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta. His famous “Atlanta Compromise” was one of the most influential speeches in American. regardless Washington soothed his listeners’ concerns about the what they said “uppity” blacks. Mr. Washington was a very well-known black educator. Even though he was born into slavery he strongly felt and believed that racism would in fact end once the blacks put effort into labor skills and proved themselves to society. He pressured industrial education for African-Americans so that they would gain respect from the whites. Washington often was good for ignoring discrimination because it didn’t phase him. But he was so nervous
of the races, and accommodation. He urged blacks to accept discrimination for the time being and concentrate on elevating themselves through hard work and material prosperity. Washington believed in education, industrial and farming skills and themes of patience, owning busineses and thrift. This, he belived, would win the respect of whites and lead to African Americans being fully accepted as citizens and integrated into all stagesof society. Washington's thinking was one of accommodation to white oppression. He advised blacks to trust southern whites and accept the fact of white supremacy. He stressed the interdependence of blacks and whites in the South, but said they were to remain socially separate: One of Washington's famous quotes was "In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress." Up from slaves 1901p.Washington counseled blacks to remain in the South, obtain a useful education, save their money, work hard, and purchase property. By doing such things, Washington believed, the Negro could one day be a full fledge citizen.
In contrast to Douglass, Washington’s famous speech known as the “1865 Atlantic Compromise” was not a protest or challenge of the political system, nor did he speak about the lack of social equality. Instead he focused his efforts on what blacks could accomplish, how they could compromise. He believed the militant rhetoric of Douglass and others distracted blacks from the path of liberty, equality, and economic success. Washington’s speech emphasized that it was the dual responsibility of blacks and whites to make the blacks a more
In one site, Booker T. Washington, the most influential lieder of his period (1856-1915), who was born as a slave in 1856 (Virginia), who because of studying in the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Learned the skills he needed to be respected by the withes society and gain considerable influence over the black people. Washington philosophy was based on self-improvement, education, accommodation and others. He preaches that African American rather than concentrate their effort in combating segregation, they should be focus in self-improvement, education and wealth. He encourages Young African American develop patience, commercial agricultural skills and others instead of instead of
However, when Washington finally did return home in December, he found himself in such great debt that even noble experiments like the one that Lafayette had proposed, had to took a back seat to getting Washington's financial situation in order.
It is evident that Washington felt that the best way for blacks to better their future was to make themselves a necessary need in society. Therefore, he urged blacks to deal with discrimination for the time being and focus on economic prosperity for themselves through hard work and vocational training believing that it will pay off. For example, Washington believed that an educated black would eventually win the respect of whites and lead to blacks being accepted into society. He felt that speaking up would do more damage to the black race. Granted that he promoted segregation to maintain a racial identity, he states, “To those of my race who depend on bettering their condition in a foreign land or who underestimate the importance of cultivating, making friendly relations with the Southern white man, who is their next door neighbor, I would say: Cast down your bucket where you are,” “cast it down making friends in every manly way of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded.” (Atlanta Cotton States) Washington believed that people should make the most of any situation they are in.
The school system in the country districts of the South is a disgrace and in few towns and cities are Negro schools what ought to be...and...when we call for education we mean real education,” he effectively made his audience view the logic in his claim about racial equality with a specific emphasis on the education of adults and more specifically children (DuBois 2). Mr. DuBois, being the well-educated man that he was, understood that by presenting his claim of educational importance in a logically and sound way, his audience would be exponentially more likely to agree with his view and act on his cause, which is exactly what transpired after his speech. In Mr. Washington’s attempt to persuade his audience in favor of educating the African American population, he chose to appeal to his perverse audience 's sense of desire and ambition. He stated that by “casting down [their] bucket among many people, helping and encouraging them as [they] are doing on these grounds, and to education of head, hand, and heart, [they] will find that [African Americans] will buy [their] surplus land, make blossom the waste of places in [their] fields, and run [their] factories” (Washington 2). In stating his claim the way he did, he hoped that his audience, which was comprised primarily of white, land-owning southerners, would realize the possible economic benefits that would result from educating the black population, and that their innate desire for material wealth would drive them to
“Washington would come to symbolize such divergent ideas that would become known symbol of anything would be a crazy idea to him.” (Jermy Wells 1). He would work as a houseboy for a women who taught him how to read and write. He then began to go to school for former slaves in west virginia. “He was the best student the school has ever had” (Harvard College 2).
Washington like myself highly valued and found purpose in education for similar reasons. Since Washington was born into slavery he was mainly surrounded and only knew and spoke with people who were completely illiterate. Washington didn’t know anything about school or reading and writing because at the time there was no schooling for colored children; However he did say “I felt that getting into a schoolhouse and studying in this way must be like getting into heaven,”(6). Washington saying that shows that he valued education before he even knew what it was like because he knew there would be so much more opportunities for him if he could obtain one. Washington also had to struggle with another obstacle which was work. Just like my parents he had to work at a very young age to help support his family, because of this Washington couldn’t possibly attend day school once it became available for the colored children. Washington did not give up though he however attended night school when that became available to him. Booker T. Washington also struggled when he began to read because he had absolutely no help from anyone who knew about education or how to read and write. Booker did however have all the encouragement he needed from his mother “In all my efforts to learn to read, my mother encouraged me and aided me in every way that she could. Although she was illiterate, she had high ambitions for her children,”(17) stated Washington. This shows that like my mother
The book, Up From Slavery, written by Booker Taliaferro Washington, profoundly touched me when I read it. Washington overcame many obstacles throughout his life. He became perhaps the most prominent black leader of his time. Booker T. Washington belived that African Americans could gain equality by improving their economic situation through education rather than by demanding equal rights.
The autobiography of Booker T. Washing titled Up From Slavery is a rich narrative of the man's life from slavery to one of the founders of the Tuskegee Institute. The book takes us through one of the most dynamic periods in this country's history, especially African Americans. I am very interested in the period following the Civil War and especially in the transformation of African Americans from slaves to freemen. Up From Slavery provides a great deal of information on this time period and helped me to better understand the transition. Up From Slavery provided a narrative on Washington's life, as well as his views on education and integration of African Americans. All though this book was
Washington, who had faith in the future of his race in the country, believed that hard work, patience, and self pride would build their character and eventually earn them their civil rights. This is evident in Washington's The Future of the American Negro. He shows the "impatient extremists" within the Negroes of the North whose "ill-considered, incendiary utterances tend to add to the burdens of our people in the South rather than relieve them." ("Washington," Discovering Authors)
Racial discrimination, political, social and economic inequality during the late 19th century and early 20th century led various leaders within the black community to rise up and address the appalling circumstances that African Americans were forced to endure. Among these leaders were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois whom possessed analogous desires as it pertained to the advancement and upliftment of the black race. While both individuals were fighting for the same cause and purpose they embraced contrary ideologies and approaches to African American struggle. In Booker T. Washington’s book “Up from Slavery” African Americans were encouraged to be passive and focus on vocational education whereas in W.E.B. DuBois book “The Souls of Black Folk”, African Americans were encouraged to fight for their merited rights and focus on academic education. However, although Washington was convinced that his ideologies would sincerely uplift the black race, they actually proved to be detrimental, leaving DuBois ideology to be the most reasonable and appropriate solution for the advancement of the black race.
Booker T. Washington was one of the most well-known African American educators of all time. Lessons from his life recordings and novelistic writings are still being talked and learned about today. His ideas of the accommodation of the Negro people and the instillation of a good work ethic into every student are opposed, though, by some well-known critics of both past and current times. They state their cases by claiming the Negro’s should not have stayed quiet and worked their way to wear they did, they should have demanded equal treatment from the southern whites and claimed what was previously promised to them. Also, they state that Washington did not really care about equality or respect, but about a status boost in his own life. Both