Bruce Wayne not want to reveal to all he is Batman because the main idea was to make Batman as a symbol, savior and hero who is behind the mask. In this movie, Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, he has proved himself to be a true hero who really cares to the people whom he loves a lot by not revealing himself as a Batman. A true hero never performs his heroic act in order to make himself popular and famous only. Bruce Wayne is one of the richest person in the Gotham city though, he chooses the hardest path to help the people and the city. Bruce Wayne is ambitious, thoughtful and brave person in the movie.
A true hero is not only identified and admired by his name and his financial status. He is loved and praised by the people through his great
Heroes come in many forms. Some of those forms ware capes and some like to scare little children and ware tights, but some are like Malala Yousafzai who is still fighting for girl’s right to education around the world. Or like Susan B. Anthony who fought for woman’s right to vote.
Would Batman still be as effective if Bruce Wayne was not behind the mask? Batman could still be as effective if Bruce Wayne was not the man behind the mask. As long as whomever was the behind the mask had access to technology, be brave enough to face the criminals and the drive to want to make a difference within their city.
When one thinks of heroes, names such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa often come to mind. These people had done a lot of favors, courage, helps, and more of things for the people who needed them. The true definition of hero is a man of distinguished valor. Bravery, courage, intrepidity, boldness, daring, and prowess in war are a hero’s characteristics. However a hero is understood to be different to everyone. Upon closer examination, many different qualities than these become apparent. The definition of heroism changes with the context and time. Heroes of the past are not necessarily heroes of present time and vise versa. A person can be a hero for saving the life of one or of millions.
Batman: The Dark Knight directed by Christopher Nolan is non-stop action thriller that continually did the unexpected. The film is based off of the original Batman comic book but additionally changes the perception of the everyday world as good to naturally bad. Throughout the movie, Batman stands for honesty and goodness while the Joker is a symbolism of chaos and evil. Both sides are forced to make quick-witted decisions in order to stop the opposing vigilante from doing his desired work. The citizens of Gotham are put in the heart of this circumstance and feel obligated to go against their values to stop the chaos. Numerous people habitually pursue their dreams and values but often become blinded from their
Over the years, Batman’s character had become a household name when discussing anti-heroes from the DC universe. Although not every comic book fan would consider him an anti-hero, people would still associate anger and broodiness when referring to the character of Bruce Wayne due to his apparent dark nature. Frank Miller’s the Dark Knight Returns had changed things; not just did it focus on Batman’s broody nature, but it had also expanded on the internal battles that had been the cause of the darkness and the reason for Batman’s questionable methods. Miller managed to bring needed humanity to Batman that had been missing in earlier ages. The qualities that made the Dark Knight more in touch with his humanity were; having his origin story trauma affect him until adulthood, experiencing internal psychological conflict, and possessing moral flaws.
Since Batman first appeared in the DC comic universe in May 1939 he has become one of the most beloved fictional characters. This popularity has led to movies, tv shows, video games and countless forms of memorabilia being produced so fans could get their fair share of the caped crusader. Batman is one of the world’s most popular anti-hero franchises because many of the stories are relatable, the villains are memorable and Bruce Wayne has an intriguing back story.
There is not a time where Batman is not humble. He has millions of dollars and could have all the fame in the world but he chooses to keep himself in the shadows because he knows his work is bigger than him. Batman also can take all the credit for the villains he takes down but he prefers to leave the scene before any media gets there because he does not want the attention and accolades. Another way Batman maintains his humble appeal is that he tells no one about his work other than his butler Alfred and Commissioner Gordon. His humble traits bleed into his work ethic when it comes to having a crime
Every one of us is different from each other in numerous ways, but because most of us have similar life experience and behaviours we are all perceived to be of one society. In the film Gotham city is seen as an individual city from society after the falling of the government. The film is able to achieve individuation through the process of being different from society, because Gotham was faced with the challenge of overcoming the evil that seek to destroy the city. Gotham is seen through the eyes of society as the ‘perfect’ city. The shadow is suppressed in order for the Gotham’s persona to be shown to society, but individuation is achieved as a result of the Gotham’s recognition of the
An event that inspired me to write my journal was the mass murder act James Holmes committed on July 20th, 2012. The tragic event took place in a theater located in Aurora, Colorado where individuals watched the movie Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (Cabrera et al. 1). Before the film ended, Holmes changed into his Joker costume and quickly returned to fulfill his role: killing innocent people. In order to do this, he threw smoke explosives in between numerous aisles to prevent individuals from leaving. As the confused and scared individuals tried to escape or hide, Holmes fired over 240 rounds of ammunition only stopping once to reload the gun (Cabrera et al. 2). He killed 12 individuals and injured more than 70 before the police arrived and
A true hero is not always someone who is financially adept or substantially well built in terms of physical looks. They do not have to be an extrovert, nor are they always an introvert. For heroes are most commonly normal people, and don’t require special traits or advantages. Nonetheless, many people believe that heroes have to be strong or gifted in some manner, like the heroes portrayed in most movies. In contrast, some believe that true heroes don’t exist anymore, and that the aristocrats and monetarily proficient people are the only ones who can make a difference in this world. However, many of these presumptions are not true. True heroes do exist and can be identified by a set of characteristics and actions that anyone can achieve.
Another idea of a hero was when Gandhi had stood up for his country; India. “Gandhi led nationwide campaigns to ease poverty, expand women's rights, and build religious and ethnic amity” plus he had “spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India”. In other words Gandhi never gave up showing everyone how India should be independent. Gandhi had stood out his way by leading marches to declare independence. Gandhi had been admired for his bravery (when he was thrown in jail a few times), his confidence (he never showed any sign of weakness) and perseverance (he had never gave up).
The greatest people may or may not live with good status and may or may not take care of their family, but take care of their clans as well as the entire nation, are called national hero.
Christopher Nolan the director of the movie “the dark knight” employs many key scenes through the movie to show certain themes and ideas to the viewers of the film. Nolan masterfully used numerous of film techniques to show his ideas , which greatly aided to make and build the of my favorite scene in the dark night were he uses a lot of these skills was the party scene . The camera work in the party scene is one of the key techniques that make this scene perfect. About half way through the scene, the joker places a knife to Rachel’s head, as he recalls his disturbing past.
Bruce Wayne is the well mannered billionaire known to few as Batman. Wayne tries to keep his identity hidden from the public. Wayne’s suit is a prototype that was rejected by the army because of the cost. Batman protects the streets of the fictional city of Gotham City, sometimes accompanied by Robin.
“ A hero is someone who has given his or her life too something than oneself,” sayed by the mythologist, writer and lecturer, Joseph Campbell. A hero can be represented in many ways such as this one, which is why so many around the world have their own heroes. Whether they have saved lives, singers, actors, or regular day people you wouldn’t think of. Qualities of heroes are what make them how we view them in this era, such as a person’s personality or past.