
Bubonic Plague Dbq

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Bubonic Plague
The majority of the assumptions revolving around the understanding of plague denote bacterial infection often said to bring calamity to a positively affected people. Individuals around the world especially those from the various faith that perceive it as Gods punishment to the people due to a wrongdoing and may take time before it ends.
Plagues have been grouped historically With regards to the time and period of which an epidemic occurred or transpired (Galvani 25). A good example of a scourge that confirms the above allegations is the bubonic plague which is also referred to as the Black Death plague. The reason as to why it is regarded as the Black Death plague is because it resulted in the death of many citizens during the …show more content…

This is an indication of how challenging it was to control its spread because fleas are not things that can easily be controlled.
The insects were spotted mostly on the black rats that were frequently shipped on the merchant ships which explain the rapid spread of the plague. Therefore, it can be denoted that the numerous merchant ships from Italy that occasionally traveled to the black sea were the original channel of the spread of the plague.
As time unfolded, the plague became unbearable because it was now being spread from one person to another quickly especially if one had the flea host within them. The plague caused fear amongst the people and resulted in economic and political downfall during this period. This is because it was very challenging for a person to work affected with the plague. The reason is that once one became affected with the plague, spots painful red spots appeared on an individual’s body that turned black with …show more content…

Swelling of the lymph glands and intense swelling was another sign of being a victim of the plague. The bubonic plague became a global disease as it began spreading in other nations causing the death of a significant number of people (Keeling 267). To be specific, the bubonic plague resulted in the death of nearly 25 million in Europe between the years 1347 and 1352.
Influenced by the existence of the disease, the nations turned out to be chaotic and dirty as the air was also polluted. Important to denote is that the bodies of the dead were left wide open and the deceased never given a proper Christian burial which contributed to the contamination of the air.
The situation of the plague became so severe that one would be affected and become late in the next hours. Surviving in this era became challenging and was seen as a blessing. The search for the cure began because it was evident the plague if not handled soon was doing to be the end of the people.
However, even though the cure was eventually found, the loss that has been caused by the plague was quite much and can never be recovered. The plague took some time to end especially in the feudal societies fully. Those who survived the plague termed as the lucky ones took time adjusting to the normal life as they bared with them a lot of losses and

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