
Bubonic Plague Dbq Essay

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In Europe 500 AD - 1500 AD there were horrific Crusades and wars, the terrifying silent killer, and awful laws that all led to Europe's the dark age.War broke out in Jerusalem, and no one was safe. As Jerusalem was struggling to keep power from the Muslimś, Pope Urban ii had ask the Christianś to come from Western Europe and fight for them.The Christians agreed to the Popeś asking and started to flee to Jerusalem and with good intentions.If they died they had been promised to go to heaven, so no one held back.¨The unbelievers blood should fill the streets people and families.”Source: Raymond d'Aguilers, “The Siege and Capture of Jerusalem,” exact date unknown”.This quote explains how the Christians were unstoppable and did not hold back.While trading and communication evolved the Bubonic Plague, the silent killer, was also evolving. …show more content…

While the people were dropping like flies, the plague went airborne. The Black Death, a nickname it earned after many people died, killed many and nearly wiped out the human race in general. "The plague began in the land of darkness. China was not preserved from it. The plague infected the Indians in India, the Sind, the Persians, and the Crimea." (Ibn al-Wardi, “An Essay on the Report of the Pestilence,” 1348) This quote shows how no one was safe. Since the plague was airborne no one would ever be safe until the plague was cured. Another reason why Europe was in a dark age was when the Magna Carta was made. One may say that the Magna Carta improved society but most say that it did not. The Magna Carta was made by the nobles because the king was taking their well-earned belongings without permission. The Magna Carta stated multiple times that if anyone was caught doing a simple offense they were to be beaten brutally. “C.19. Concerning false money, we have ordered that he who has been proved to have made it shall have his hand cut

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