
Buck Stereotypes

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For the young black child looking in the toy aisle and at the TV and searching in books for someone like them, a role model and a place to connect with it, representation matters. To the young white child, going to a mostly white private school or homeschooling (like I did) who gets their worldview and idea of how things are from their parents, TV, mainstream media, and books- representation matters. When black children look to the media and don’t see themselves reflected in it, they are told that they don’t matter. When white children look to the media and are presented with people who mostly look like them, with the only people who are not white being presented as criminals, they learn to think of others as criminals and themselves as superior. The relations between race and media have come a far way- and still have a …show more content…

Many of the stereotypes we see of black people in media date back to slavery, and are simply updated over the years to fit the untrue narrative people are used to. A large number of these stereotypes were used to justify and excuse slavery. The fact that they’re still in circulation is disgusting. For example, the Buck stereotype is the stereotype of the violent male sexual predator with a lust for white women. An old example of this stereotype is in the 1915 movie “The Birth Of A Nation”. A modern example is Terry Crews’ character in the movie White Chicks- a black man who exclusively pursues white women. This stereotype was used to make black men look like a threat to white women, and white men “their saviors”. Then there’s the Jezebel stereotype- an overly sexualized black woman, a “siren”, portraying black women as “bitches” and “whores”. The idea of the Jezebel was used as an excuse for the sexual abuse of black women during slavery- to make it seem like they “deserved” whatever happened, and reflect blame back on the

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