
Bucket List Quotes

Satisfactory Essays

Quote 7: (time:4:00-7:35) Typically, we ask is this going to be the event or disease that kills our loved one. I think it’s okay to ask the question, is this what we are going to allow to kill our loved one. Given the prognosis, what is the goal of the treatment?
When posed with this question, it would be difficult to answer without considering all possibilities. If my loved one could live with a quality life eventually or if treatment would prolong life until their “bucket list” might be completed, or if unresolved spiritual issues could be resolved, my decision would be to continue treatment! Having a goal of the treatment ahead certainly would be favorable for anyone facing a terminal illness. I can see how in some cases of cancer or other terminal diseases, a loved one may not want to have treatment due to the quality of life that …show more content…

Response: Unfortunately, the cost of medical expenses is not cheap. However, how can you put a price on someone’s life. To stop treatment because of finances would be a decision that would need to be carefully thought through from every direction. To grow old without regrets would always be the goal. Consequently, wiping out your family would not be the goal that any person would want to achieve. I believe that it is acceptable to stop treatment if you feel that is the right path for quality of life. Moreover, it would be devastating to a loved one to think that they were a part of the equation for ending someone’s life. These videos by Dr. Scott Rae have brought to my mind many of questions about death that I had not considered before. I will still continue to believe that God would give grace and show Himself mightily when His child effectually, fervently, calls for help. Word count:

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