Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Horror Genre Typically the Horror or more specifically Vampire genre will have the theme good vs. evil where the hero represents good and the villain represents evil. This is consistent in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Buffy is the hero and the evil vampires she slays (in this episode Glory/Ben) represent evil. There is also a cliché within this genre where good is always triumphant over evil. Buffy in this episode conforms to this cliché but with a twist; which is also typical of the Genre, good triumphs over evil in the end but not without a sacrifice. Although Buffy contains many of the conventions that are typical of the horror genre it also contains many …show more content…
There is something unusual about the villain in this episode of Buffy in so much as she has taken on the body of an innocent teenage boy called Ben meaning Buffy faces a moral dilemma (moral dilemmas are typical of this genre) when trying to eradicate Glory's threat. Buffy decides she cannot take a human life (Ben) even if it ensures the safety of the world proving her to be a hero that holds a strong grip on her morals. However, another group member ; Giles who from his appearance looks clever takes a different course of action to the problem; he decides the only way is to kill Glory/Ben and with this he slowly suffocates the severely injured Ben . This provides the audience with a tear jerking moment. Typical stock characters of a horror film include Vampires, Goblins, Zombies and innocent Victims. In this episode of Buffy we see only one of these stock characters: Goblins. The Goblins are typically ugly looking creatures who have hunchbacks and green skin as in this episode of Buffy. They are loyal to their mistress and help her to fight Buffy and her friends. Stereotypically the horror genre will contain a twist at the end. Buffy conforms to this in her tragic death, she saves Dawn but not without a sacrifice. As Buffy slowly realises
Charismatic. Charming. Sensual. Beautiful. Would you ever use these adjectives to describe a vampire? The common theme in portraying vampires in literature has always involved depictions of great violence, ugliness, and fear. Novels involving vampires never portrayed the vampire as a heroic character, but rather as the villain who was then destroyed in the end. Stereotypical vampires terrorized towns, lived in grim, dark, towering castles and turned into bats when in trouble. Authors were simply not inspired to build a tale around the life of a vampire, his shortcomings, his doubts, his fears. Rather, authors used the vampire as a metaphor for evil that resides in humanity.
As I was lying in bed recalling the event happened an hour before I was thinking to myself that I will never look at lightning the same way again. Thunder and lightning was still present in the night sky as I lay there in bed thanking God I was alive and well. Each flash of lightning lit the entire room and each clap of thunder rattled the windows of my hotel room. Lightning can seem much more terrifying when you’re up 20,000 ft in the mountains, and the thunder sounds a lot louder too. The sound of nature’s fury seemed to slowly descend as the night went on, but my nerves did not. I was still stunned and in shock of being stuck in a lightning storm high in the mountains. I never thought about the power and damage lightning can inflict
Stephen King never clearly states the thesis of this essay however there is enough information provided that we can infer one. We need to keep our inner lyncher at bay by feeding ourselves with small portions of demonic, bloody, violence, found in horror movies. King writes “It deliberately appeals to all the worst in us. It is morbidity unchained, our most base instincts let free, our nastiest fantasies realized...” (Why We Crave Horror Movies, paragraph 12) and by doing so he’s implying that horror movies are like a temporary fix for our violent craves.
The emotion of fear injects the sense of dread all throughout our body, causing our muscles to tense up, pupils to dilate, body to sweat, stomach to clench, and to breathe heavily. Fear’s main intention of doing so is to warn ourselves of any potential danger we might be in and prevent any future harm done to us. (Dayton) So, for what reason might we humans want to experience fear; such as watching horror movies, when it is so closely associated with pain?
Mentors feature prominently in the Gothic genre. From Dr Van Helsing in Bram Stoker's Dracula, who leads the young heroes into their quest to annihilate the Count, to Rupert Giles, the Watcher in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, older and more experienced adults have provided essential guidance for the younger protagonists of the genre. The differences in media of expression and the subsequent adaptations from novel to television series has not affected the presence of this character, more than a hundred years after the publication of Dracula in 1897. What also unites the novel and the series is their fin-de-siècle resonance.
In a society dominated by male superheroes, it is not that often that a female character is able to step forward and defend the world. There have been quite a few female superheroes throughout the ages of popular culture, including the Canadian Marvel super-heroine, Aurora ("Marvel"), and DC Comic's character, Black Canary (Kanigher, and Infantino). Yet for every one female superhero that is encountered, there are at least a dozen more male superheroes to stand around—and often in front of—her. Even more frustratingly, the female superheroes are often merely there to be the gendered counterpart to the much more powerful, dominant male superheroes. There have been few women who have stood out as being independent, admirable sources of
'The Tell Tale Heart' is located in a house that is probably old as a
In the essay, "Why We Crave Horror Movies" by Stephen King the author tries to prove that the modern day horror movie is are relief of violence, are fix of adrenaline and fun, and also something that can dare the nightmare. In a lot of ways these things can be related to real life situations. My relief of violence is playing video games, and my fix of fun and adrenaline is when I play football, and something that dares my nightmare is when I challenge my brother.
sample, but it also appeals to population and emotion. To further explain why we crave
A girl runs frantically through the woods trying to escape an axe wielding villain. The defenseless victim suddenly trips and collapses to the ground. The villain laughs wickedly as he lifts the axe above his head. The girl releases a final scream as the weapon quickly ends her life, causing the audience to go silent as they watch the villain drag away the lifeless body. Death, blood, guts, suspense, screaming, and terror are all just a few things to expect when watching a modern day horror film. What is horror? Horror can be defined as an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust. (Wilson) The description of horror is not very pleasant, but for some reason horror films are extremely popular. Why is this so? People are addicted to the
Many authors tend to state their opinion very briefly in their work. This makes it vulnerable for others to agree or disagree on the opinion with facts. Common fallacies also known as logical fallacies and argumentation styles are the most critical ways an author can be debated on leading to ongoing arguments. Logical fallacies are faults in reasoning that weaken our arguments and argumentation styles are types of arguments that modify the text to create a structured essay. Logical fallacies and argumentation styles can either create a more developed essay or can make it vulnerable. This can be avoided with much revision and editing but there will always be someone to judge someone else’s work for any purpose if found. Like many novels that
Stephen King wrote a very brief essay titled "Why we Crave Horror Movies", in which he explained some of the reasons that people choose to go to horror movies to be entertained. In his essay, King goes on to explain that we as a people need horror movies as a sort of release; to feed the darker elements within all of us without having to sacrifice our humanity (also, civility). King does this by comparing people based on their levels of sanity whereas some societal "eccentricities" are completely acceptable, while some will get you thrown right into the loony bin. It’s summed up pretty well in this quote:
The most appealing films are those that keep audiences guessing, surprise them at the most unexpected times and break conventional film boundaries. Edward Scissorhands (1990) directed by Tim Burton, is a feature film that does exactly that. It blends a fairy tale story with a gothic horror film, to engage the viewer right from beginning until the resolution. It tells the tale of Edward, who was the creation of an inventor who died before he could give Edward proper hands, and was left with scissors as hands. When he was taken from his gothic mansion, into a “normal” suburban community, he was at first welcomed, but then heartbreakingly rejected when things went wrong. The character of the “monster” is an
him or her involved in the film - how often have you been watching a
Horror movies. The type of genre that gives a thrill of adrenaline, yet also gives nightmares late at night. Everyone has watched a horror movie at least once in their lives. And during the movie there is also a time in which the viewer just wants to punch the TV screen and call it quits. Whether it is because their favorite character just did something dumb, or because the ending was horrible, there is always a moment in which one thinks: I would have chosen a better option. I could have survived. In literature, it is often the same thing. Believe it or not, fear is a huge contributor to how the story goes; how it ends, and who dies. Fear either motivates the character to take action or, defeats them. But fear doesn’t act alone. Fear influences people, but what influences the fear? The answer is quite simple, no matter how shocking it can be. Just as love brings happiness, it also brings forth the poison of fear. Whether it is the fear of losing the person they love, or fear that they are no longer loved, both of them are huge contributors on how a character’s actions or decisions are influenced.