
Building And Managing Effective Virtual Teams

Decent Essays

Technology Paper One: Building and Managing Effective Virtual Teams
Robert Jones, Robert Oyung, and Lise Pace, authors of Working Virtually: Challenges of Virtual Teams (2005) state:
Virtual teams and teams in general are characterized by the fact that each member of the team is dependent upon one or more other members in order to accomplish the overall goal… The single most critical component that makes teamwork possible is effective communication. (p. xvii - xviii)
Notwithstanding the goal – to succeed – in a given project, task, scope, product, or the like, building and managing effective teams becomes deeply more complex when physical adjacency is a combination of local and remote members or entirely remote. Increasingly so, businesses …show more content…

(Tapscott & Williams, 2008, p. 33).
Foremost, to create and develop dynamic team communication, trust must be established. Depth of relationships amongst a team, even with very poor technology to support an effort, has the ability to succeed. “Teamwork is more than a series of transactions. Teamwork is a series of engagements… If you are able to establish trust as a team member, leader, or manager, you will be able to gain consensus, agreement, and the ability to influence,” (Jones, Oyung, & Pace, 2005, p. 26-27). Keith Ferrazzi, author of “Getting Virtual Teams Right” (2014) in the Harvard Business Review, states:
Trust starts with respect and empathy… leaders should encourage team members to describe their backgrounds, the value they hope to add to the group, and the way they prefer to work. This allows colleagues to form mental images of one another when they’re later communicating by e-mail, phone, or text message. Remember too that relationship building should be an ongoing process.
Realities are such that virtual teams come with exceedingly broader diverse backgrounds in culture, education, life experiences, and personalities. Singularly each one of these facets brings a beauty to innovation and creative possibilities. Well-rounded, quality decisions is also viable. However, wide-range of diversity can also be challenging for precisely the same reasons. By ensuring trust is the foundation

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