
Building Level Administration Case Study

Decent Essays

As building level administrators deal with the day to day workings of the school. They need to understand that the need to develop relationship with everyone. These leaders have to become the premier experts in recognizing diversity and knowing excellence teaching when they see it.

Once the PGP has been established, the building level administrators should determine the action steps needed to implement the leadership strategies identified in his or her professional growth plan. They should also determine what resources will prepare them for success in meeting the PGP. They could ask for help through experiential learning; examples: mentoring, networking or job rotation. The building level administrators may also participate in professional associations, request professional books, journals or magazines and even conferences.

Finally, the building level leader should submit a copy of his or her completed professional growth plan to the superintendent or observer. This PGP can be reviewed or revised as needed. Our district uses the EdReflect online program for management and performance evaluation. Each observation is recorded here for selected developmental activities by the observer. Throughout the year, the observer should conduct formative assessment conferences using the and an evaluation rubric to evaluate the progress of the building-level leaders. This is to …show more content…

The guidelines suggest summative evaluation minimally once every four (4) years for a building-level leader who is in an inquiry category. It is the responsibility of the building-level leader to provide evidence of effective practice using relevant artifacts for each standard and function on which the building- or district-level leader is evaluated. This is very important because a leader's performance on this evaluation rubric can determine their eligibility for

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