
Building Regulation And Construction Regulation

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The building regulation is a construction standard and it ensure the building work satisfies with minimum constructional standard. The following type of work, the owner or occupier of building required to make building regulation application by law
The construction or extension of a building, unless the building type is exempt the building regulation
The installation, extension or alteration of a service or fitting which is controlled under the regulation
An alteration project involving work which will temporarily or permanently affect the ongoing compliance of the building, service or fitting with the requirements relating to structure, fire, or access to and use of buildings
The insertion of insulation into a cavity wall
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The building regulations application is required because the works require the alteration of the drainage system and electrical work and installing of a controlled service/fitting to the property and this works are effect on the building elements. So this work require the building regulation application.
Yes, the application should be made even if the partitions is non-load bearing. The changing the partition could effect on the escape route and other measures such as access and ventilation measures, therefore the application should be required even if the situation made the space better.
Yes, the building regulation approval is required for all glazing replacement to ensure its performance such as thermal performance, safety, air supply mean of escape and ventilation. External window and door classified as controlled fitting in the building regulation and replacement of external door and window required the certain standard approval by local authority or approved inspectors.
Yes, the building regulation approval is required for skylight installation. The provision or replacement of skylight classified as structure (material) alteration and it required certain standard approval by following reason;
 Any roof light need to provide sufficient insulation against

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