
Building a Strategy for Social Media

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The Road To RoI
Building a Strategy for Social Marketing Success


The era of social media has taught marketers an important new truth: You no longer control how consumers perceive your brand. What matters most today is not what you say about your brand — it’s what consumers say about it. Successful social brands understand that they must influence this conversation without trying to control it. But how do they accomplish that? The road to social marketing success begins with a strategy built around five key initiatives: 1. Integrating social into the marketing mix 2. Organizing for social 3. Aligning social to business objectives 4. Engaging consumers 5. Building a multi-network presence This report explores these …show more content…

Prepare Internally
Social’s integration into your overall marketing strategy may require you to think differently about how to structure your marketing operations and resources, and about how social media fits in to company-wide policies and procedures. Social marketing expertise and resources within enterprises are typically very limited, so how do you best leverage those scarce resources across the organization? How do you maintain proper control and standards for social media marketing across all the necessary organizational units without creating bottlenecks and impeding the speed and agility required for effective social marketing? And how do you define how your company-at-large uses social media, as well as the extent to which employees can participate? For global brands that have thousands of employees and manage, on average, 178 business-related social media properties, this is a critical concern. 4

Organize for Social
There are a variety of ways that companies can organize for social business. Based on our experience with thousands of clients, a “hub and spoke” organizational model works best to scale social marketing and empower company-wide coordination and accountability. In this model, the “hub” – a team of expert resources that includes social marketing strategists and content specialists – supports an array of “spokes.” Spokes are teams that represent different product lines, regions, and other units in the

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