The article Impact of Workplace Bullying on Emotional and Physical Well-Being: A Longitudinal Collective Case Study by Lovell and Lee address the situation that is taking placed in the workplace. Thus, bullying is a psychosocial occupational hazard, is not a disease in itself but a psychosocial stressor directly linked to workplace conditions that adversely affects the physical and psychological health of people subjected to harassment, triggering physiological responses and emotional. 1. The purpose of this study discusses the consequences in the workplace involve the progressive destruction of the working life of the victim. Because that harassment tends to have employee absenteeism due to stress which can carry out to firing or refusing …show more content…
– 7. Among the most important findings of this study it is that the interviewed workers reported experiencing a deterioration of their health while they were at working. According to Lovell and Lee (2011), “however, the negative atmosphere led to reoccurrences of somatic symptoms from their chronic illnesses”. Undoubtedly, the constant exposure to a situation of psychological violence in a group can affect various forms of employee health. 8. In this study, no cultural issues were discussed but the beliefs of their employees as at times they felt their knowledge was negatively affected because they were measured by their knowledge and skills. 9. Among the strengths of this study it is that it tries to fix or improve not only what is wrong, but must also find strengths and virtues of individuals to achieve a better quality of life and greater well-being, which links directly to the ambitious goal of health promotion, expressed by top management of a company. The weakness I identified in this study is that the focus places the source of the harassment and explained by the individual or stalker, regardless of the organizational environment analysis of the …show more content…
The contribution of the social worker in the therapeutic aspects, from its intervention in labor relations, along with other constitutes a significant contribution in creating healthy work environments. To assist in therapeutic processes of the person being bullied, providing tools to understand what is living with the situation and comprehensive health care and to community and institutional resources that may be relevant to the situation. Positively influence the process of empowerment of it, in the defense of their needs and
Bullying and harassment within the workplace can be attributed to a myriad of factors. The work
The research of aggression in the work place is the focus of this paper. Taking an advanced look in how these behaviors can affect not only the employee but also that employee’s family.
A negative work environment will also affect the health and welfare of patients and staff (Donley, 2012). I have been a victim of lateral and horizontal violence/bullying in the workplace and actually quit a job once because of it. At my current place of employment, annual modules are required for all employees regarding this subject and it's unfortunate that I witness this type of behavior daily at work. Our facility definitely leaves room for improvement.
The Manager of the Sydney office finds out from a staff member that bullying may be contributed to the fairly high levels of stress leave and absenteeism? Why is bullying a health and safety issue? What should the Manager do?
M., Hogh, A., & Persson, R. (2011). Frequency of bullying at work, physiological response, and mental health. Journal of psychosomatic research, 70(1), 19-27. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2010.05.010
Workplace bullying is a widespread issue in which people need to be educated on in order to put an end to it. Its causes are complex and multi-faceted and yet preventable. Workplace bullying puts unnecessary strain on the employees It is the employer and organizations responsibility to provide a bully free environment for their employees. Employees should have the right to feel safe in their work environment and be free from workplace bullying. Employers need to be held accountable and have a plan in place to protect the employees from this type of violence. Unfortunately that is not always the case, in some instances the employer is the one doing the bullying. Workplace bullying carries many definitions in which will be
Workplace violence includes any incident in which an employee is threatened, intimated, verbally or physically attacked, harassed, injured or killed. Workplace, or occupational violence, as it is sometimes referred to, has and can occur in almost all types of settings, from large to small, private to public and rural to urban. Therefore, there is a demonstrated need for firms of all types, sizes and in all locations to become aware of the seriousness of
Bullying and incivility causes an unhealthy work environment, which affects the staff, patients, and the organization. Some of the effects on staff include burnout, anxiety, depression, increased absenteeism, poor communication, decreased moral, decreased job satisfaction,
The essential of this research is to show that harassment is either real or is just a way of escaping one 's obligation in a corporation. The article will also have relevant materials like surveys showing, if it’s real, harassment in companies. It also shows how this act can be reduced and eliminated in all workplaces and make the environment stress free for our lady partners in offices. The primary significance of the research is to help those who have undergone the issue recover and get justice and also warning those in companies with the idea and respect everyone.
The problem or concern identified in this paper is workplace bullying amongst nurses. It is identified as “repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators” (Healthy Workplace Bill [HWB], 2016). It may include verbal abuse, threatening, intimidating, or humiliating behaviors, work interference, or sabotage. According to HWB (2016) it affects 27% of adult American and can trigger many health related issues. Hypertension, autoimmune disorders, PTSD, anxiety and depression have all been linked with workplace violence.
Workplace bullying is a serious issue in
On the other side, discussed the types of workplace bullying including top-down, lateral and bottom-up. Moreover, there are different sign and symptoms of workplace bullying in nursing which are related to physiological, psychological, psychosocial and well-being. Different impact of workplace bullying on the profession of nursing for examples; increase rate of turnover, patient care errors, increase absenteeism, less work performance. Finally, concluded that bullying is not a current issue in nursing, so first requires everyone in the workplace to have a clear understanding in the workplace. There are different types of ways included in the second part of this article like- standards, legislation and case law which are very useful for prevention bullying as well as promote self-awareness, encourage employees about self-manage, interpersonal conflict, education through developing a program in which programme organizational should be apply the race principles included; recognize, assess and control the bulling in nursing workplace and lastly evaluate the measures which put on the actually working
Aquino, K., & Thau, S. (2009). Workplace victimization: Aggression from the target's perspective. Annual Review
The issue of work place violence is becoming more prominent every day. The challenge that managers are facing is how to deal with it before and after the event. The management team must put things in place that allow them to reduce or prevent the possibility of any kind of violent event. These event cans stream from sexual harassment to conflict or even violence. The importance of mangers, at all levels, play in preventing work place violence is failing as more of these types of events are happening. The mass shooting in the workplace have almost become a normal part of life. The shootings are taking place in government facilities and private businesses all over the country. The managers in all these facilities help manage the prevention and, more importantly, the recovery after the events happen.
Violence in the workplace is becoming one of the fastest growing issues in today’s work environment. Workplace violence can include acts or threats of violence, harassment, aggressive behavior, intimidation of others or any unbecoming behavior that can lead to violence. It can range from idol threats to actual physical abuse and effects employees, clients, customers or visitors. This paper will discuss some statistics and give examples on workplace violence within today’s organizations.