
Bullying Can Lead to Self-Harm

Satisfactory Essays

Today bullying is a big issue especially among young people. Bullying is now a very vast subject, from cyber bullying to stealing another’s lunch money. This is making a negative effect to all that have been a victim of bullying. Studies show that victims of bullying are more likely to self harm. Self-harm is another broad subject, from cutting or burning to committing suicide. If bullying lessened so would the amount of self-harm. Bullying effects people in many different ways. There are the victims of bullying whom don’t take it lightly. There are also the bystanders whom may take a stand or not. Bystanders, if around the same age, don’t interfere in fear of being bullied themselves. When adults don’t interfere it is because they don’t believe the whole “bullying” thing. Some adults think that it is normal to be bullied or to bully others because that’s how it was for them. In most cases the parents of the victims had no clue. Being bullied makes the victim feel all alone, feeling like they have no one to turn to. They are all wrong, bullying is not okay and no matter what someone, anyone, should take a stand and make it stop. Victims of bullying, in most cases, are different in some way from others. They may be of a different race or they may dress a bit out of the ordinary. Their differences make bullies target them, yet as young children we were taught that differences among people were good. We were also taught that people were all different shapes and sizes, came

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