
Bullying In America

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“Bullying occurs in school playgrounds every 7 minutes and in classrooms every 25 minutes” (Bullying Myths 2009). This shows that bullying is no small issue, and it is not going to decrease without community support. When the people who lead our country, say horrible things about its people it is hard to understand that bullying is wrong. How can adults, parents, or teachers expected young people to understand that bullying is wrong when they see the most powerful people in America doing it on CNN. Even though, politicians are saying hurtful things to the American public that confuses America's youth, there are resources working to spread awareness. The problem is that politicians make bullying look okay and normalized. In a society where people leading our country say horrible things about all kinds of people, how are we going to make our youth understand that it is not an American value. One popular candidate in the 2016 election is Donald Trump he has said many offensive things about a wide variety of people. He once said “Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision”(Norlis 2016). When he …show more content…

It seems they are making bullying socially acceptable. When kids see national leaders being bullies on national television, and have no consequences they think the same rules apply to them. However, this is not the case, bulling has consequences, for both parties, the bully and the victim. Children do not understand this concept, and this is something they will never understand. The only way to fix this confusion is to hold the adults responsible. “It is our responsibility to recognize bullying when it is happening, when it is being normalized, when it is being made socially acceptable” (Barr). If the politicians are not held responsible for the things they say the problem will only

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