
Bullying In Workplace

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This paper addresses, the issues with bullying in the workplace. It goes into detail about what bullying is, how it affects the workplace, a company that has had issues with bullying, and finally what a company can do to make sure does not occur.
In this paper, I will address the issue of bullying in the workplace. I will define bullying, how bullying affects their workers, also address a company that has had issues with bullying, finally what steps a company can take to make sure their employees have a bully free workplace.

Bullying can be found in any job. Bullying is a malicious attack on a person, it can include name calling, gossiping about someone, or maybe even false work reports. It can be so extreme that it can stress an employee out to the point that can become physically or mentally ill (Ehrenkranz, 2016). Bullying can come from anyone within a company from a co-worker, to a member of management.
How it affects the workplace

Bullying can affect employees in many ways it can cause depression which could lead to even more serious issues such as suicidal thoughts and actions, job performance can decrease, and productivity can even decrease due to the co-workers not being able to work …show more content…

According to an article in the report states that many employees have had bouts of depression and thoughts of suicide(Ehrenkranz, M. (2016, 09 21)., in 2012 an employee wrote a six-page document, named My 95 things I change, would which was delivered to most employee inboxes, and slipped under the management’s door it talks about discrimination and bullying within the Apple company, then in April 2016 a 25-year-old software engineer at Apple committed suicide at the Apple Cupertino, California campus (Ehrenkranz, M. (2016, 09

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