
Bullying Is A Massive Issue Around The World Essay

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Bullying essay for US 22750
Bullying is a massive issues around the world. In our communities and especially in our schools. As a community we need to understand the meaning of bullying, what is the definition of bullying? The different types of bullying, understanding exactly what action causes bullying to be defined as bullying. Understanding the concept of bullying is important to try and understand what the victims had to endure and struggle through and the consequences of being bullied. Because bullying is such a massive problem
There are many different meanings and definitions to bullying to different individuals. Bullying is a situation when a student or group of students is mean to you over a long period of time, this will either be weeks or even months. Bullying can either be physical (hitting, kicking, and so on) or it can be verbal (threats, name calling, gossiping or ignoring). Through this a person being bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons. Further definitions have been made to include psychological and emotional components such as exclusion and manipulation. When defining bullying some researchers have also made it their job to categorise of direct and indirect bullying, psychological, physical and sexual behaviours. According to O’Moore (1987) for example, defined bullying as “the long term and systematic use of violence, mental and physical, against an individual who is

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